Source code for pylinac.core.image_generator.layers

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type

import numpy as np
from skimage import draw, filters

def clip_add(
    image1: np.ndarray, image2: np.ndarray, dtype: Type[np.dtype] = np.uint16
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Clip the image to the dtype extrema. Otherwise, the bits will flip."""
    # convert to float first so we don't flip bits initially
    combined_img = image1.astype(float) + image2.astype(float)
    return np.clip(combined_img, np.iinfo(dtype).min, np.iinfo(dtype).max).astype(dtype)

def even_round(num: float) -> int:
    """Return an even number"""
    num = int(round(num))
    return num + num % 2

def gaussian2d(
    mx: float,
    my: float,
    height: float,
    center_x: float,
    center_y: float,
    width_x: float,
    width_y: float,
    constant: float = 0,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns a gaussian function with the given parameters"""
    width_x = float(width_x)
    width_y = float(width_y)
    return (
        * np.exp(
            -(((center_x - mx) / width_x) ** 2 + ((center_y - my) / width_y) ** 2) / 2
        + constant

class Layer(ABC):
    """Abstract base for layers"""

    def apply(
        self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Apply the layer. Takes a 2D array and pixel size value in and returns a modified array."""

[docs]class PerfectConeLayer(Layer): """A cone without flattening filter effects""" def __init__( self, cone_size_mm: float = 10, cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = 1.0, ): """ Parameters ---------- cone_size_mm Cone size in mm at the iso plane cax_offset_mm The offset in mm. (out, right) alpha The intensity of the layer. 1 is full saturation/radiation. 0 is none. """ self.cone_size_mm = cone_size_mm self.cax_offset_mm = cax_offset_mm self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: image, _, _ = self._create_perfect_field(image, pixel_size, mag_factor) return image
def _create_perfect_field( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> (np.ndarray, ...): cone_size_pix = ((self.cone_size_mm / 2) / pixel_size) * mag_factor**2 cax_offset_pix = tuple( x * mag_factor / pixel_size + (shape / 2 - 0.5) for x, shape in zip(self.cax_offset_mm, image.shape) ) rr, cc = draw.disk(cax_offset_pix, cone_size_pix, shape=image.shape) rr = np.round(rr).astype(int) cc = np.round(cc).astype(int) temp_array = np.zeros(image.shape) temp_array[rr, cc] = int(np.iinfo(image.dtype).max * self.alpha) image = clip_add(image, temp_array) return image, rr, cc
[docs]class FilterFreeConeLayer(PerfectConeLayer): """A cone with flattening filter effects.""" def __init__( self, cone_size_mm: float = 10, cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = 1.0, filter_magnitude: float = 0.4, filter_sigma_mm: float = 80, ): """ Parameters ---------- cone_size_mm Cone size in mm at the iso plane cax_offset_mm The offset in mm. (out, right) alpha The intensity of the layer. 1 is full saturation/radiation. 0 is none. filter_magnitude The magnitude of the CAX peak. Larger values result in "pointier" fields. filter_sigma_mm Proportional to the width of the CAX peak. Larger values produce wider curves. """ super().__init__(cone_size_mm, cax_offset_mm, alpha) self.filter_magnitude = filter_magnitude self.filter_sigma_mm = filter_sigma_mm
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: image, rr, cc = self._create_perfect_field(image, pixel_size, mag_factor) # add filter effect n = gaussian2d( rr, cc, self.filter_magnitude * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max, image.shape[0] / 2, image.shape[1] / 2, self.filter_sigma_mm / pixel_size, self.filter_sigma_mm / pixel_size, constant=-self.filter_magnitude * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max, ) image[rr, cc] += n.astype(image.dtype) return image
[docs]class PerfectFieldLayer(Layer): """A square field without flattening filter effects""" def __init__( self, field_size_mm: (float, float) = (10, 10), cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = 1.0, ): """ Parameters ---------- field_size_mm Field size in mm at the iso plane cax_offset_mm The offset in mm. (out, right) alpha The intensity of the layer. 1 is full saturation/radiation. 0 is none. """ self.field_size_mm = field_size_mm self.cax_offset_mm = cax_offset_mm self.alpha = alpha def _create_perfect_field( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> (np.ndarray, ...): field_size_pix = [ even_round(f * mag_factor**2 / pixel_size) for f in self.field_size_mm ] cax_offset_mm_mag = [v * mag_factor for v in self.cax_offset_mm] field_start = [ x / pixel_size + (shape / 2) - field_size / 2 for x, shape, field_size in zip( cax_offset_mm_mag, image.shape, field_size_pix ) ] field_end = [ x / pixel_size + (shape / 2) + field_size / 2 - 1 for x, shape, field_size in zip( cax_offset_mm_mag, image.shape, field_size_pix ) ] # -1 due to skimage implementation of [start:(end+1)] rr, cc = draw.rectangle(field_start, end=field_end, shape=image.shape) rr = np.round(rr).astype(int) cc = np.round(cc).astype(int) temp_array = np.zeros(image.shape) temp_array[rr, cc] = int(np.iinfo(image.dtype).max * self.alpha) image = clip_add(image, temp_array) return image, rr, cc
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: image, _, _ = self._create_perfect_field(image, pixel_size, mag_factor) return image
[docs]class FilteredFieldLayer(PerfectFieldLayer): """A square field with flattening filter effects""" def __init__( self, field_size_mm: (float, float) = (10, 10), cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = 1.0, gaussian_height: float = 0.03, gaussian_sigma_mm: float = 32, ): """ Parameters ---------- field_size_mm Field size in mm at the iso plane cax_offset_mm The offset in mm. (out, right) alpha The intensity of the layer. 1 is full saturation/radiation. 0 is none. gaussian_height The intensity of the "horns", or more accurately, the CAX dip. Proportional to the max value allowed for the data type. Increase to make the horns more prominent. gaussian_sigma_mm The width of the "horns". A.k.a. the CAX dip width. Increase to create a wider horn effect. """ super().__init__(field_size_mm, cax_offset_mm, alpha) self.gaussian_height = gaussian_height self.gaussian_sigma_mm = gaussian_sigma_mm
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: image, rr, cc = self._create_perfect_field(image, pixel_size, mag_factor) # add filter effect height = -self.gaussian_height * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max width = self.gaussian_sigma_mm / pixel_size horns = gaussian2d( rr, cc, height=height, center_x=image.shape[0] / 2, center_y=image.shape[1] / 2, width_x=width, width_y=width, ) image[rr, cc] += horns.astype(image.dtype) return image
[docs]class FilterFreeFieldLayer(FilteredFieldLayer): """A square field with flattening filter free (FFF) effects""" def __init__( self, field_size_mm: (float, float) = (10, 10), cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = 1.0, gaussian_height: float = 0.4, gaussian_sigma_mm: float = 80, ): """ Parameters ---------- field_size_mm Field size in mm at the iso plane cax_offset_mm The offset in mm. (out, right) alpha The intensity of the layer. 1 is full saturation/radiation. 0 is none. gaussian_height The magnitude of the CAX peak. Larger values result in "pointier" fields. gaussian_sigma_mm Proportional to the width of the CAX peak. Larger values produce wider curves. """ super().__init__( field_size_mm, cax_offset_mm, alpha, gaussian_height, gaussian_sigma_mm )
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: image, rr, cc = self._create_perfect_field(image, pixel_size, mag_factor) # add filter effect n = gaussian2d( rr, cc, self.gaussian_height * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max, image.shape[0] / 2, image.shape[1] / 2, self.gaussian_sigma_mm / pixel_size, self.gaussian_sigma_mm / pixel_size, constant=-self.gaussian_height * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max, ) image[rr, cc] += n.astype(image.dtype) return image
[docs]class PerfectBBLayer(PerfectConeLayer): """A BB-like layer. Like a cone, but with lower alpha (i.e. higher opacity)""" def __init__( self, bb_size_mm: float = 5, cax_offset_mm: (float, float) = (0, 0), alpha: float = -0.5, ): super().__init__( cone_size_mm=bb_size_mm, cax_offset_mm=cax_offset_mm, alpha=alpha )
[docs]class GaussianFilterLayer(Layer): """A Gaussian filter. Simulates the effects of scatter on the field""" def __init__(self, sigma_mm: float = 2): self.sigma_mm = sigma_mm
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: sigma_pix = self.sigma_mm / pixel_size return filters.gaussian(image, sigma_pix, preserve_range=True).astype( image.dtype )
[docs]class RandomNoiseLayer(Layer): """A salt and pepper noise, simulating dark current""" def __init__(self, mean: float = 0.0, sigma: float = 0.001): self.mean = mean self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: normalized_sigma = self.sigma * np.iinfo(image.dtype).max noise = np.random.normal(self.mean, normalized_sigma, size=image.shape) return clip_add(image, noise, dtype=image.dtype)
[docs]class ConstantLayer(Layer): """A constant layer. Can be used to simulate scatter or background.""" def __init__(self, constant: float): self.constant = constant
[docs] def apply( self, image: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, mag_factor: float ) -> np.ndarray: constant_img = np.full(image.shape, fill_value=self.constant) return clip_add(image, constant_img, dtype=image.dtype)