Source code for pylinac.planar_imaging

"""The planar imaging module analyzes phantom images taken with the kV or MV imager in 2D.
The following phantoms are supported:

* Leeds TOR 18
* Standard Imaging QC-3
* Standard Imaging QC-kV
* Las Vegas
* Doselab MC2 MV
* Doselab MC2 kV
* SNC kV


* **Automatic phantom localization** - Set up your phantom any way you like; automatic positioning,
  angle, and inversion correction mean you can set up how you like, nor will setup variations give you headache.
* **High and low contrast determination** - Analyze both low and high contrast ROIs. Set thresholds
  as you see fit.
import copy
import dataclasses
import io
import math
import os.path as osp
import warnings
import webbrowser
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from cached_property import cached_property
from py_linq import Enumerable
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from skimage import feature, measure
from skimage.measure._regionprops import RegionProperties

from .core import geometry, image, pdf
from .core.decorators import lru_cache
from .core.geometry import Circle, Point, Rectangle, Vector
from import get_url, retrieve_demo_file
from .core.mtf import MTF
from .core.profile import CollapsedCircleProfile, Interpolation, SingleProfile
from .core.roi import (
from .core.utilities import ResultBase
from .ct import get_regions

class PlanarResult(ResultBase):
    """This class should not be called directly. It is returned by the ``results_data()`` method.
    It is a dataclass under the hood and thus comes with all the dunder magic.

    Use the following attributes as normal class attributes."""

    analysis_type: str  #:
    median_contrast: float  #:
    median_cnr: float  #:
    num_contrast_rois_seen: int  #:
    phantom_center_x_y: Tuple[float, float]  #:
    mtf_lp_mm: Tuple[float, float, float] = None  #:

def _middle_of_bbox_region(region: RegionProperties) -> Tuple:
    return (
        (region.bbox[2] - region.bbox[0]) / 2 + region.bbox[0],
        (region.bbox[3] - region.bbox[1]) / 2 + region.bbox[1],

def is_square(region: RegionProperties, instance: object, rtol=0.2) -> bool:
    """Whether the region has symmetric height and width"""
    height = region.bbox[2] - region.bbox[0]
    width = region.bbox[3] - region.bbox[1]
    return math.isclose(height / width, 1, rel_tol=rtol)

def is_centered(region: RegionProperties, instance: object, rtol=0.3) -> bool:
    """Whether the region is centered on the image"""
    img_center = (,
    # we don't want centroid because that could be offset by missing lengths of the outline. Center of bbox is more robust
    return np.allclose(_middle_of_bbox_region(region), img_center, rtol=rtol)

def is_right_size(region: RegionProperties, instance: object, rtol=0.1) -> bool:
    """Whether the region is close to the expected size of the phantom, given the SSD and physical phantom size."""
    return bool(

class ImagePhantomBase:
    """Base class for planar phantom classes.

    common_name : str
        The human-readable name of the phantom. Used in plots and PDF report.
    phantom_outline_object : {None, 'Circle', 'Rectangle'}
        What type of outline to display on the plotted image. Helps to visually determine the accuracy of the
        phantom size, position, and scale.
    high_contrast_rois : list
        :class:`~pylinac.core.roi.HighContrastDiskROI` instances of the
        high contrast line pair regions.
    high_contrast_roi_settings : dict
        Settings of the placement of the high-contrast ROIs.
    low_contrast_rois : list
        :class:`~pylinac.core.roi.LowContrastDiskROI` instances of the low
        contrast ROIs, other than the reference ROI (below).
    low_contrast_roi_settings : dict
        Settings of the placement of the low-contrast ROIs.
    low_contrast_background_rois : list
        :class:`~pylinac.core.roi.LowContrastDiskROI` instances of the low
        contrast background ROIs.
    low_contrast_background_roi_settings : dict
        Settings of the placement of the background low-contrast ROIs.
    low_contrast_background_value : float
        The average pixel value of all the low-contrast background ROIs.
    detection_conditions: list of callables
        This should be a list of functions that return a boolean. It is used for finding the phantom outline in the image.
        E.g. is_at_center().
    phantom_bbox_size_mm2: float
        This is the expected size of the **BOUNDING BOX** of the phantom. Additionally, it is usually smaller than the
        physical bounding box because we sometimes detect an inner ring/square. Typically, x0.9-1.0 of the physical size.

    _demo_filename: str
    common_name: str
    high_contrast_roi_settings = {}
    high_contrast_rois = []
    low_contrast_roi_settings = {}
    low_contrast_rois = []
    low_contrast_background_roi_settings = {}
    low_contrast_background_rois = []
    low_contrast_background_value = None
    phantom_outline_object = None
    detection_conditions: List[Callable] = [is_centered, is_right_size]
    detection_canny_settings = {"sigma": 2, "percentiles": (0.001, 0.01)}
    phantom_bbox_size_mm2: float
    roi_match_condition = "max"

    def __init__(
        filepath: Union[str, BinaryIO, Path],
        normalize: bool = True,
        image_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
        filepath : str
            Path to the image file.
        normalize: bool
            Whether to "ground" and normalize the image. This can affect contrast measurements, but for
            backwards compatibility this is True. You may want to set this to False if trying to compare with other software.
        image_kwargs : dict
            Keywords passed to the image load function; this would include things like DPI or SID if applicable
        img_kwargs = image_kwargs or {}
        self.image = image.load(filepath, **img_kwargs)
        if normalize:
        self._angle_override = None
        self._size_override = None
        self._center_override = None
        self._high_contrast_threshold = None
        self._low_contrast_threshold = None
        self._ssd: float = 100
        self.mtf = None

    def from_demo_image(cls):
        """Instantiate and load the demo image."""
        demo_file = retrieve_demo_file(name=cls._demo_filename)
        return cls(demo_file)

    def from_url(cls, url: str):
        url : str
            The URL to the image.
        image_file = get_url(url)
        return cls(image_file)

    def _preprocess(self):

    def _check_inversion(self):

    def window_floor(self) -> Optional[float]:
        """The value to use as the minimum when displaying the image (see
        Helps show contrast of images, specifically if there is an open background"""

    def window_ceiling(self) -> Optional[float]:
        """The value to use as the maximum when displaying the image. Helps show contrast of images, specifically if there is an open background"""

    def magnification_factor(self) -> float:
        """The mag factor of the image based on SSD vs SAD"""
        return self.image.sad / self._ssd

    def phantom_bbox_size_px(self) -> float:
        """The phantom bounding box size in pixels^2 at the isoplane."""
        return (
            * (self.image.dpmm**2)
            * (self.magnification_factor**2)

    def phantom_ski_region(self) -> RegionProperties:
        """The skimage region of the phantom outline."""
        regions = self._get_canny_regions()
        sorted_regions = (
            .where(lambda r: r.area_bbox > 100)
            .order_by_descending(lambda r: r.area_bbox)
        # sorted_regions = sorted(regions, key=lambda r: r.area_bbox, reverse=True)
        # search through all the canny ROIs to see which ones pass the detection conditions
        blobs = []
        for phantom_idx, region in enumerate(sorted_regions):
            conditions_met = [
                condition(region, self) for condition in self.detection_conditions
            if all(conditions_met):

        if not blobs:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to find the phantom in the image. Potential solutions: check the SSD was passed correctly, check that the phantom isn't at the edge of the field, check that the phantom is centered along the CAX."

        if self.roi_match_condition == "max":
            # take the biggest ROI and call that the phantom outline
            best_roi_idx = np.argsort(
                [sorted_regions[phan].bbox_area for phan in blobs]
        elif (
            self.roi_match_condition == "closest"
        ):  # take the one most similar in size to known size
            best_roi_idx = np.argsort(
                    abs(sorted_regions[phan].bbox_area - self.phantom_bbox_size_px)
                    for phan in blobs
        phantom_idx = blobs[best_roi_idx]

        return sorted_regions[phantom_idx]

    def analyze(
        low_contrast_threshold: float = 0.05,
        high_contrast_threshold: float = 0.5,
        invert: bool = False,
        angle_override: Optional[float] = None,
        center_override: Optional[tuple] = None,
        size_override: Optional[float] = None,
        ssd: float = 1000,
        low_contrast_method: Contrast = Contrast.MICHELSON,
        visibility_threshold: float = 100,
    ) -> None:
        """Analyze the phantom using the provided thresholds and settings.

        low_contrast_threshold : float
            This is the contrast threshold value which defines any low-contrast ROI as passing or failing.
        high_contrast_threshold : float
            This is the contrast threshold value which defines any high-contrast ROI as passing or failing.
        invert : bool
            Whether to force an inversion of the image. This is useful if pylinac's automatic inversion algorithm fails
            to properly invert the image.
        angle_override : None, float
            A manual override of the angle of the phantom. If None, pylinac will automatically determine the angle. If
            a value is passed, this value will override the automatic detection.

            .. Note::

                0 is pointing from the center toward the right and positive values go counterclockwise.

        center_override : None, 2-element tuple
            A manual override of the center point of the phantom. If None, pylinac will automatically determine the center. If
            a value is passed, this value will override the automatic detection. Format is (x, y)/(col, row).
        size_override : None, float
            A manual override of the relative size of the phantom. This size value is used to scale the positions of
            the ROIs from the center. If None, pylinac will automatically determine the size.
            If a value is passed, this value will override the automatic sizing.

            .. Note::

                 This value is not necessarily the physical size of the phantom. It is an arbitrary value.
            The SSD of the phantom itself in mm.
            The equation to use for calculating low contrast.
            The threshold for whether an ROI is "seen".
        self._angle_override = angle_override
        self._center_override = center_override
        self._size_override = size_override
        self._high_contrast_threshold = high_contrast_threshold
        self._low_contrast_threshold = low_contrast_threshold
        self._low_contrast_method = low_contrast_method
        self.visibility_threshold = visibility_threshold
        self._ssd = ssd
        if invert:
        if self.high_contrast_roi_settings:
            self.high_contrast_rois = self._sample_high_contrast_rois()
            # generate rMTF
            spacings = [
                roi["lp/mm"] for roi in self.high_contrast_roi_settings.values()
            self.mtf = MTF.from_high_contrast_diskset(
                diskset=self.high_contrast_rois, spacings=spacings
        if self.low_contrast_background_roi_settings:
            ) = self._sample_low_contrast_background_rois()
        if self.low_contrast_roi_settings:
            self.low_contrast_rois = self._sample_low_contrast_rois()

    def _sample_low_contrast_rois(self) -> List[LowContrastDiskROI]:
        """Sample the low-contrast sample regions for calculating contrast values."""
        lc_rois = []
        for stng in self.low_contrast_roi_settings.values():
            roi = LowContrastDiskROI(
                self.phantom_angle + stng["angle"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["roi radius"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["distance from center"],
        return lc_rois

    def _sample_low_contrast_background_rois(
    ) -> Tuple[List[LowContrastDiskROI], float]:
        """Sample the low-contrast background regions for calculating contrast values."""
        bg_rois = []
        for stng in self.low_contrast_background_roi_settings.values():
            roi = LowContrastDiskROI(
                self.phantom_angle + stng["angle"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["roi radius"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["distance from center"],
        avg_bg = np.mean([roi.pixel_value for roi in bg_rois])
        return bg_rois, avg_bg

    def _sample_high_contrast_rois(self) -> List[HighContrastDiskROI]:
        """Sample the high-contrast line pair regions."""
        hc_rois = []
        for stng in self.high_contrast_roi_settings.values():
            roi = HighContrastDiskROI(
                self.phantom_angle + stng["angle"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["roi radius"],
                self.phantom_radius * stng["distance from center"],
        return hc_rois

    def save_analyzed_image(
        filename: Union[None, str, BinaryIO] = None,
        split_plots: bool = False,
        to_streams: bool = False,
    ) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, BinaryIO], List[str]]]:
        """Save the analyzed image to disk or to stream. Kwargs are passed to plt.savefig()

        filename : None, str, stream
            A string representing where to save the file to. If split_plots and to_streams are both true, leave as None as newly-created streams are returned.
        split_plots: bool
            If split_plots is True, multiple files will be created that append a name. E.g. `my_file.png` will become `my_file_image.png`, `my_file_mtf.png`, etc.
            If to_streams is False, a list of new filenames will be returned
        to_streams: bool
            This only matters if split_plots is True. If both of these are true, multiple streams will be created and returned as a dict.
        if filename is None and to_streams is False:
            raise ValueError("Must pass in a filename unless saving to streams.")
        figs, names = self.plot_analyzed_image(
            show=False, split_plots=split_plots, **kwargs
        # remove plot keywords as savefig complains about extra kwargs
        for key in (
            kwargs.pop(key, None)
        if not split_plots:
            plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs)
            # append names to filename if it's file-like
            if not to_streams:
                filenames = []
                f, ext = osp.splitext(filename)
                for name in names:
                    filenames.append(f + "_" + name + ext)
            else:  # it's a stream buffer
                filenames = [io.BytesIO() for _ in names]
            for fig, name in zip(figs, filenames):
                fig.savefig(name, **kwargs)
            if to_streams:
                return {name: stream for name, stream in zip(names, filenames)}
            if split_plots:
                return filenames

    def _get_canny_regions(self) -> List[RegionProperties]:
        """Compute the canny edges of the image and return the connected regions found."""
        # compute the canny edges with very low thresholds (detects nearly everything)
        canny_img = feature.canny(

        # label the canny edge regions
        labeled = measure.label(canny_img)
        regions = measure.regionprops(labeled, intensity_image=self.image.array)
        return regions

    def _create_phantom_outline_object(self) -> Tuple[Union[Rectangle, Circle], dict]:
        """Construct the phantom outline object which will be plotted on the image for visual inspection."""
        outline_type = list(self.phantom_outline_object)[0]
        outline_settings = list(self.phantom_outline_object.values())[0]
        settings = {}
        if outline_type == "Rectangle":
            side_a = self.phantom_radius * outline_settings["width ratio"]
            side_b = self.phantom_radius * outline_settings["height ratio"]
            half_hyp = np.sqrt(side_a**2 + side_b**2) / 2
            internal_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(side_b / side_a))
            new_x = self.phantom_center.x + half_hyp * (
                - geometry.cos(internal_angle + self.phantom_angle)
            new_y = self.phantom_center.y + half_hyp * (
                - geometry.sin(internal_angle + self.phantom_angle)
            obj = Rectangle(
                width=self.phantom_radius * outline_settings["width ratio"],
                height=self.phantom_radius * outline_settings["height ratio"],
                center=Point(new_x, new_y),
            settings["angle"] = self.phantom_angle
        elif outline_type == "Circle":
            obj = Circle(
                radius=self.phantom_radius * outline_settings["radius ratio"],
            raise ValueError(
                "An outline object was passed but was not a Circle or Rectangle."
        return obj, settings

    def plot_analyzed_image(
        image: bool = True,
        low_contrast: bool = True,
        high_contrast: bool = True,
        show: bool = True,
        split_plots: bool = False,
        **plt_kwargs: dict,
    ) -> Tuple[List[plt.Figure], List[str]]:
        """Plot the analyzed image.

        image : bool
            Show the image.
        low_contrast : bool
            Show the low contrast values plot.
        high_contrast : bool
            Show the high contrast values plot.
        show : bool
            Whether to actually show the image when called.
        split_plots : bool
            Whether to split the resulting image into individual plots. Useful for saving images into individual files.
        plt_kwargs : dict
            Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.
        plot_low_contrast = low_contrast and any(self.low_contrast_rois)
        plot_high_contrast = high_contrast and any(self.high_contrast_rois)
        num_plots = sum((image, plot_low_contrast, plot_high_contrast))
        if num_plots < 1:
                "Nothing was plotted because either all parameters were false or there were no actual high/low ROIs"
        # set up axes and make axes iterable
        figs = []
        names = []
        if split_plots:
            axes = []
            for n in range(num_plots):
                fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, **plt_kwargs)
            fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_plots, **plt_kwargs)
        if num_plots < 2:
            axes = (axes,)
        axes = iter(axes)

        # plot the marked image
        if image:
            img_ax = next(axes)
            img_ax.set_title(f"{self.common_name} Phantom Analysis")

            # plot the outline image
            if self.phantom_outline_object is not None:
                outline_obj, settings = self._create_phantom_outline_object()
                outline_obj.plot2axes(img_ax, edgecolor="b", **settings)
            # plot the low contrast background ROIs
            for roi in self.low_contrast_background_rois:
                roi.plot2axes(img_ax, edgecolor="b")
            # plot the low contrast ROIs
            for roi in self.low_contrast_rois:
                roi.plot2axes(img_ax, edgecolor=roi.plot_color)
            # plot the high-contrast ROIs along w/ pass/fail coloration
            if self.high_contrast_rois:
                for (roi, mtf) in zip(
                    self.high_contrast_rois, self.mtf.norm_mtfs.values()
                    color = "b" if mtf > self._high_contrast_threshold else "r"
                    roi.plot2axes(img_ax, edgecolor=color)
            # plot the center of the detected ROI; used for qualitative eval of detection algorithm
            img_ax.scatter(x=self.phantom_center.x, y=self.phantom_center.y, marker="x")

        # plot the low contrast value graph
        if plot_low_contrast:
            lowcon_ax = next(axes)

        # plot the high contrast MTF graph
        if plot_high_contrast:
            hicon_ax = next(axes)

        if show:
        return figs, names

    def _plot_lowcontrast_graph(self, axes: plt.Axes):
        """Plot the low contrast ROIs to an axes."""
        (line1,) = axes.plot(
            [roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois],
        axes.axhline(self._low_contrast_threshold, color="m")
        axes.set_title("Low-frequency Contrast")
        axes.set_xlabel("ROI #")
        axes2 = axes.twinx()
        (line2,) = axes2.plot(
            [roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois],
        axes.legend(handles=[line1, line2])

    def _plot_highcontrast_graph(self, axes: plt.Axes):
        """Plot the high contrast ROIs to an axes."""
        axes.plot(self.mtf.spacings, list(self.mtf.norm_mtfs.values()), marker="*")
        axes.axhline(self._high_contrast_threshold, color="k")
        axes.set_title("High-frequency rMTF")
        axes.set_xlabel("Line pairs / mm")
        axes.set_ylabel("relative MTF")

    def results(self, as_list: bool = False) -> Union[str, list[str]]:
        """Return the results of the analysis.

        as_list : bool
            Whether to return as a list of strings vs single string. Pretty much for internal usage.
        text = [f"{self.common_name} results:", f"File: {self.image.truncated_path}"]
        if self.low_contrast_rois:
            text += [
                f"Median Contrast: {np.median([roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]):2.2f}",
                f"Median CNR: {np.median([roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]):2.1f}",
                f'# Low contrast ROIs "seen": {sum(roi.passed_visibility for roi in self.low_contrast_rois):2.0f} of {len(self.low_contrast_rois)}',
        if self.high_contrast_rois:
            text += [
                f"MTF 80% (lp/mm): {self.mtf.relative_resolution(80):2.2f}",
                f"MTF 50% (lp/mm): {self.mtf.relative_resolution(50):2.2f}",
                f"MTF 30% (lp/mm): {self.mtf.relative_resolution(30):2.2f}",
        if not as_list:
            text = "\n".join(text)
        return text

    def results_data(self, as_dict=False) -> Union[PlanarResult, dict]:
        data = PlanarResult(
            median_contrast=np.median([roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]),
                [roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]
                roi.passed_visibility for roi in self.low_contrast_rois
            phantom_center_x_y=(self.phantom_center.x, self.phantom_center.y),

        if self.mtf is not None:
            data.mtf_lp_mm = [
                {p: self.mtf.relative_resolution(p)} for p in (80, 50, 30)
        if as_dict:
            return dataclasses.asdict(data)
        return data

    def publish_pdf(
        filename: str,
        notes: str = None,
        open_file: bool = False,
        metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
        logo: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None,
        """Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis, images, and quantitative results.

        filename : (str, file-like object}
            The file to write the results to.
        notes : str, list of strings
            Text; if str, prints single line.
            If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line.
        open_file : bool
            Whether to open the file using the default program after creation.
        metadata : dict
            Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon.
            E.g. passing {'Author': 'James', 'Unit': 'TrueBeam'} would result in text in the PDF like:
            Author: James
            Unit: TrueBeam
        logo: Path, str
            A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used.
        canvas = pdf.PylinacCanvas(
            page_title=f"{self.common_name} Phantom Analysis",

        # write the text/numerical values
        text = self.results(as_list=True)
        canvas.add_text(text=text, location=(1.5, 25), font_size=14)
        if notes is not None:
            canvas.add_text(text="Notes:", location=(1, 5.5), font_size=12)
            canvas.add_text(text=notes, location=(1, 5))

        # plot the image
        data = io.BytesIO()
            data, image=True, low_contrast=False, high_contrast=False
        canvas.add_image(data, location=(1, 3.5), dimensions=(19, 19))
        # plot the high contrast
        if self.high_contrast_rois:
            data = io.BytesIO()
                data, image=False, low_contrast=False, high_contrast=True
            canvas.add_image(data, location=(1, 7), dimensions=(19, 19))
        # plot the low contrast
        if self.low_contrast_rois:
            data = io.BytesIO()
                data, image=False, low_contrast=True, high_contrast=False
            canvas.add_image(data, location=(1, 7), dimensions=(19, 19))

        if open_file:

    def phantom_center(self) -> Point:
        return (
            if self._center_override is not None
            else self._phantom_center_calc()

    def phantom_radius(self) -> float:
        return (
            if self._size_override is not None
            else self._phantom_radius_calc()

    def phantom_angle(self) -> float:
        return (
            if self._angle_override is not None
            else self._phantom_angle_calc()

    def _phantom_center_calc(self):
        return bbox_center(self.phantom_ski_region)

    def _phantom_angle_calc(self):

    def _phantom_radius_calc(self):

class LightRadResult(ResultBase):
    """This class should not be called directly. It is returned by the ``results_data()`` method.
    It is a dataclass under the hood and thus comes with all the dunder magic.

    Use the following attributes as normal class attributes."""

    field_size_x_mm: float  #:
    field_size_y_mm: float  #:
    field_epid_offset_x_mm: float  #:
    field_epid_offset_y_mm: float  #:
    field_bb_offset_x_mm: float  #:
    field_bb_offset_y_mm: float  #:

[docs]class StandardImagingFC2(ImagePhantomBase): common_name = "SI FC-2" _demo_filename = "fc2.dcm" # these positions are the offset in mm from the center of the image to the nominal position of the BBs bb_positions_10x10 = { "TL": [-40, -40], "BL": [-40, 40], "TR": [40, -40], "BR": [40, 40], } bb_positions_15x15 = { "TL": [-65, -65], "BL": [-65, 65], "TR": [65, -65], "BR": [65, 65], } bb_sampling_box_size_mm = 10 field_strip_width_mm = 5
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Standard Imaging FC-2 phantom analysis demonstration.""" fc2 = StandardImagingFC2.from_demo_image() fc2.analyze() fc2.plot_analyzed_image()
[docs] def analyze(self, invert: bool = False, fwxm: int = 50) -> None: """Analyze the FC-2 phantom to find the BBs and the open field and compare to each other as well as the EPID. Parameters ---------- invert : bool Whether to force-invert the image from the auto-detected inversion. fwxm : int The FWXM value to use to detect the field. For flattened fields, the default of 50 should be fine. For FFF fields, consider using a lower value such as 25-30. """ self._check_inversion() if invert: self.image.invert() self.bb_center = self._find_overall_bb_centroid(fwxm=fwxm) ( self.field_center, self.field_width_x, self.field_width_y, ) = self._find_field_info(fwxm=fwxm) self.epid_center =
[docs] def results(self, as_list: bool = False) -> Union[str, list[str]]: """Return the results of the analysis.""" text = [ f"{self.common_name} results:", f"File: {self.image.truncated_path}", f"The detected inplane field size was {self.field_width_y:2.1f}mm", f"The detected crossplane field size was {self.field_width_x:2.1f}mm", f"The inplane field was {self.field_epid_offset_mm.y:2.1f}mm from the EPID CAX", f"The crossplane field was {self.field_epid_offset_mm.x:2.1f}mm from the EPID CAX", f"The inplane field was {self.field_bb_offset_mm.y:2.1f}mm from the BB inplane center", f"The crossplane field was {self.field_bb_offset_mm.x:2.1f}mm from the BB crossplane center", ] if as_list: return text else: text = "\n".join(text) return text
@property def field_epid_offset_mm(self) -> Vector: """Field offset from CAX using vector difference""" return ( self.epid_center.as_vector() - self.field_center.as_vector() ) / self.image.dpmm @property def field_bb_offset_mm(self) -> Vector: """Field offset from BB centroid using vector difference""" return ( self.bb_center.as_vector() - self.field_center.as_vector() ) / self.image.dpmm
[docs] def results_data(self, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[LightRadResult, dict]: """Return the results as a dict or dataclass""" data = LightRadResult( field_size_x_mm=self.field_width_x, field_size_y_mm=self.field_width_y, field_epid_offset_x_mm=self.field_epid_offset_mm.x, field_epid_offset_y_mm=self.field_epid_offset_mm.y, field_bb_offset_x_mm=self.field_bb_offset_mm.x, field_bb_offset_y_mm=self.field_bb_offset_mm.y, ) if as_dict: return dataclasses.asdict(data) return data
def _check_inversion(self): """Perform a normal corner-check inversion. Since these are always 10x10 or 15x15 fields it seems unlikely the corners will be exposed.""" self.image.check_inversion() def _find_field_info(self, fwxm: int) -> (Point, float, float): """Determine the center and field widths of the detected field by sampling a strip through the center of the image in inplane and crossplane""" sample_width = self.field_strip_width_mm / 2 * self.image.dpmm # sample the strip (nominally 5mm) centered about the image center. Average the strip to reduce noise. x_bounds = ( int( - sample_width), int( + sample_width), ) y_img = np.mean(self.image[:, x_bounds[0] : x_bounds[1]], 1) y_prof = SingleProfile( y_img, interpolation=Interpolation.NONE, dpmm=self.image.dpmm ) y_bounds = ( int( - sample_width), int( + sample_width), ) x_img = np.mean(self.image[y_bounds[0] : y_bounds[1], :], 0) x_prof = SingleProfile( x_img, interpolation=Interpolation.NONE, dpmm=self.image.dpmm ) x = x_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["center index (exact)"] y = y_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["center index (exact)"] field_width_x = x_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["width (exact) mm"] field_width_y = y_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["width (exact) mm"] return Point(x=x, y=y), field_width_x, field_width_y def _find_overall_bb_centroid(self, fwxm: int) -> Point: """Determine the geometric center of the 4 BBs""" self.bb_centers = bb_centers = self._detect_bb_centers(fwxm) central_x = np.mean([p.x for p in bb_centers.values()]) central_y = np.mean([p.y for p in bb_centers.values()]) return Point(x=central_x, y=central_y) def _detect_bb_centers(self, fwxm: int) -> dict: """Sample a 10x10mm square about each BB to detect it. Adjustable using self.bb_sampling_box_size_mm""" bb_positions = {} nominal_positions = self._determine_bb_set(fwxm=fwxm) dpmm = self.image.dpmm sample_box_size = self.bb_sampling_box_size_mm / 2 * dpmm # invert the image so that the BB marks increase in intensity inverted_img = copy.copy(self.image) inverted_img.invert() # sample the square, use skimage to find the ROI weighted centroid of the BBs for key, position in nominal_positions.items(): x_bounds = ( int( + (position[0] * dpmm) - sample_box_size), int( + (position[0] * dpmm) + sample_box_size), ) y_bounds = ( int( + (position[1] * dpmm) - sample_box_size), int( + (position[1] * dpmm) + sample_box_size), ) bb_sample = image.load( inverted_img[y_bounds[0] : y_bounds[1], x_bounds[0] : x_bounds[1]] ) bb_sample.ground() _, rprops, num_roi = get_regions( bb_sample.array, fill_holes=True, clear_borders=False ) if num_roi < 1: raise ValueError("Did not find the BB in the expected location") center_roi = take_centermost_roi(rprops, bb_sample.array.shape) # due to the sloping field values, the centroid is usually a better representation. # the weighted centroid will bias towards the center of the field. Even though this isn't technically a problem, # I know people will complain it's not aligned with the BB. bb_positions[key] = Point( x=center_roi.centroid[1] + x_bounds[0], y=center_roi.centroid[0] + y_bounds[0], ) return bb_positions def _determine_bb_set(self, fwxm: int) -> dict: """This finds the approximate field size to determine whether to check for the 10x10 BBs or the 15x15. Returns the BB positions""" x_prof = SingleProfile( self.image[int(, :], dpmm=self.image.dpmm ) y_prof = SingleProfile( self.image[:, int(], dpmm=self.image.dpmm ) x_width = x_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["width (exact) mm"] y_width = y_prof.fwxm_data(x=fwxm)["width (exact) mm"] if not np.allclose(x_width, y_width, atol=10): raise ValueError( f"The detected y and x field sizes were too different from one another. They should be within 1cm from each other. Detected field sizes: x={x_width}, y={y_width}" ) if x_width > 140: return self.bb_positions_15x15 else: return self.bb_positions_10x10
[docs] def plot_analyzed_image( self, show: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[List[plt.Figure], List[str]]: """Plot the analyzed image. Parameters ---------- show : bool Whether to actually show the image when called. """ figs = [] names = [] fig, axes = plt.subplots(1) figs.append(fig) names.append("image") self.image.plot(ax=axes, show=False, **kwargs) axes.axis("off") axes.set_title(f"{self.common_name} Phantom Analysis") # plot the bb marks for name, data in self.bb_centers.items(): axes.plot(data.x, data.y, "go", label=name) # plot the bb center as small lines axes.axhline( y=self.bb_center.y, color="g", xmin=0.25, xmax=0.75, label="BB Centroid" ) axes.axvline(x=self.bb_center.x, color="g", ymin=0.25, ymax=0.75) # plot the epid center as image-sized lines axes.axhline(y=self.epid_center.y, color="b", label="EPID Center") axes.axvline(x=self.epid_center.x, color="b") # plot the field center as field-sized lines axes.axhline( y=self.field_center.y, xmin=0.15, xmax=0.85, color="red", label="Field Center", ) axes.axvline(x=self.field_center.x, ymin=0.15, ymax=0.85, color="red") axes.legend() if show: return figs, names
[docs] def save_analyzed_image( self, filename: Union[None, str, BinaryIO] = None, to_streams: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, BinaryIO], List[str]]]: """Save the analyzed image to disk or to stream. Kwargs are passed to plt.savefig() Parameters ---------- filename : None, str, stream A string representing where to save the file to. If split_plots and to_streams are both true, leave as None as newly-created streams are returned. to_streams: bool This only matters if split_plots is True. If both of these are true, multiple streams will be created and returned as a dict. """ if filename is None and to_streams is False: raise ValueError("Must pass in a filename unless saving to streams.") figs, names = self.plot_analyzed_image(show=False, **kwargs) if not to_streams: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) else: # append names to filename if it's file-like if not to_streams: filenames = [] f, ext = osp.splitext(filename) for name in names: filenames.append(f + "_" + name + ext) else: # it's a stream buffer filenames = [io.BytesIO() for _ in names] for fig, name in zip(figs, filenames): fig.savefig(name, **kwargs) if to_streams: return {name: stream for name, stream in zip(names, filenames)}
[docs] def publish_pdf( self, filename: str, notes: str = None, open_file: bool = False, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, logo: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, ): """Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis, images, and quantitative results. Parameters ---------- filename : (str, file-like object} The file to write the results to. notes : str, list of strings Text; if str, prints single line. If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line. open_file : bool Whether to open the file using the default program after creation. metadata : dict Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon. E.g. passing {'Author': 'James', 'Unit': 'TrueBeam'} would result in text in the PDF like: -------------- Author: James Unit: TrueBeam -------------- logo: Path, str A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used. """ canvas = pdf.PylinacCanvas( filename, page_title=f"{self.common_name} Phantom Analysis", metadata=metadata, logo=logo, ) # write the text/numerical values text = self.results(as_list=True) canvas.add_text(text=text, location=(1.5, 25), font_size=14) if notes is not None: canvas.add_text(text="Notes:", location=(1, 5.5), font_size=12) canvas.add_text(text=notes, location=(1, 5)) data = io.BytesIO() self.save_analyzed_image(data) canvas.add_image(data, location=(1, 3.5), dimensions=(19, 19)) canvas.finish() if open_file:
[docs]class IMTLRad(StandardImagingFC2): """The IMT light/rad phantom:""" common_name = "IMT L-Rad" _demo_filename = "imtlrad.dcm" center_only_bb = {"Center": [0, 0]} bb_sampling_box_size_mm = 12 field_strip_width_mm = 5 def _determine_bb_set(self, fwxm: int) -> dict: return self.center_only_bb
[docs]class SNCFSQA(StandardImagingFC2): """SNC light/rad phantom. See the 'FSQA' phantom and specs: Unlike other light/rad phantoms, this does not have at least a centered BB. The edge markers are in the penumbra and thus detecting them is difficult. We thus detect the one offset marker in the top right of the image. This is offset by 4cm in each direction. We can then assume that the phantom center is -4cm from this point, creating a 'virtual center' so we have an apples-to-apples comparison. """ common_name = "SNC FSQA" _demo_filename = "FSQA_15x15.dcm" center_only_bb = {"TR": [40, -40]} bb_sampling_box_size_mm = 12 field_strip_width_mm = 5 def _determine_bb_set(self, fwxm: int) -> dict: return self.center_only_bb def _find_overall_bb_centroid(self, fwxm: int) -> Point: """Determine the geometric center of the 4 BBs""" # detect the upper right BB self.bb_centers = self._detect_bb_centers(fwxm) # add another virtual bb at the center of the phantom, knowing it's offset by 4cm in each direction self.bb_centers["Virtual Center"] = self.bb_centers["TR"] - Point( 40 * self.image.dpmm, -40 * self.image.dpmm ) return self.bb_centers["Virtual Center"]
[docs]class LasVegas(ImagePhantomBase): _demo_filename = "lasvegas.dcm" common_name = "Las Vegas" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 20260 detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size] phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 0.62, "height ratio": 0.62}} low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.24, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.03}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.24, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.03}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.24, "angle": 180, "roi radius": 0.03}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.24, "angle": 270, "roi radius": 0.03}, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.107, "angle": 0.5, "roi radius": 0.028}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.141, "angle": 39.5, "roi radius": 0.028}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.205, "angle": 58, "roi radius": 0.028}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.179, "angle": -76.5, "roi radius": 0.016}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 0.095, "angle": -63.5, "roi radius": 0.016}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 0.042, "angle": 0.5, "roi radius": 0.016}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 0.097, "angle": 65.5, "roi radius": 0.016}, "roi 8": {"distance from center": 0.178, "angle": 76.5, "roi radius": 0.016}, "roi 9": {"distance from center": 0.174, "angle": -97.5, "roi radius": 0.012}, "roi 10": {"distance from center": 0.088, "angle": -105.5, "roi radius": 0.012}, "roi 11": {"distance from center": 0.024, "angle": -183.5, "roi radius": 0.012}, "roi 12": {"distance from center": 0.091, "angle": 105.5, "roi radius": 0.012}, "roi 13": {"distance from center": 0.179, "angle": 97.5, "roi radius": 0.012}, "roi 14": {"distance from center": 0.189, "angle": -113.5, "roi radius": 0.007}, "roi 15": {"distance from center": 0.113, "angle": -131.5, "roi radius": 0.007}, "roi 16": { "distance from center": 0.0745, "angle": -181.5, "roi radius": 0.007, }, "roi 17": {"distance from center": 0.115, "angle": 130, "roi radius": 0.007}, "roi 18": {"distance from center": 0.191, "angle": 113, "roi radius": 0.007}, "roi 19": { "distance from center": 0.2085, "angle": -124.6, "roi radius": 0.003, }, "roi 20": {"distance from center": 0.146, "angle": -144.3, "roi radius": 0.003}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo(): """Run the Las Vegas phantom analysis demonstration.""" lv = LasVegas.from_demo_image() lv.analyze() lv.plot_analyzed_image()
def _preprocess(self): self._check_direction() def _check_inversion(self): """Check the inversion by using the histogram of the phantom region""" roi = self.phantom_ski_region phantom_array = self.image.array[ roi.bbox[0] : roi.bbox[2], roi.bbox[1] : roi.bbox[3] ] phantom_sub_image = image.load(phantom_array) phantom_sub_image.crop(int(phantom_sub_image.shape[0] * 0.1)) p5 = np.percentile(phantom_sub_image, 0.5) p50 = np.percentile(phantom_sub_image, 50) p95 = np.percentile(phantom_sub_image, 99.5) dist_to_5 = abs(p50 - p5) dist_to_95 = abs(p50 - p95) if dist_to_5 > dist_to_95: self.image.invert() def _check_direction(self) -> None: """Check that the phantom is facing the right direction and if not perform a left-right flip of the array.""" circle = CollapsedCircleProfile( self.phantom_center, self.phantom_radius * 0.175, self.image, ccw=False, width_ratio=0.16, num_profiles=5, ) roll_amount = np.where(circle.values == circle.values.min())[0][0] circle.roll(roll_amount) circle.filter(size=0.015, kind="median") valley_idxs, _ = circle.find_peaks(max_number=2) if valley_idxs[0] > valley_idxs[1]: self.image.array = np.fliplr(self.image.array) self._phantom_ski_region = None def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 1.626 def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: return 0.0 def _plot_lowcontrast_graph(self, axes: plt.Axes): """Plot the low contrast ROIs to an axes, including visibility""" # plot contrast (line1,) = axes.plot( [roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois], marker="o", color="m", label="Contrast", ) axes.axhline(self._low_contrast_threshold, color="m") axes.grid(True) axes.set_title("Low-frequency Contrast") axes.set_xlabel("ROI #") axes.set_ylabel("Contrast") # plot CNR axes2 = axes.twinx() axes2.set_ylabel("CNR") (line2,) = axes2.plot( [roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois], marker="^", label="CNR", ) # plot visibility; here's what different from the base method axes3 = axes.twinx() axes3.set_ylabel("Visibility") (line3,) = axes3.plot( [roi.visibility for roi in self.low_contrast_rois], marker="*", color="blue", label="Visibility", ) axes3.axhline(self.visibility_threshold, color="blue") axes3.spines.right.set_position(("axes", 1.2)) axes.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line3])
[docs] def results(self, as_list: bool = False) -> Union[str, list[str]]: """Return the results of the analysis. Overridden because ROIs seen is based on visibility, not CNR. Parameters ---------- as_list : bool Whether to return as a list of strings vs single string. Pretty much for internal usage. """ text = [f"{self.common_name} results:", f"File: {self.image.truncated_path}"] text += [ f"Median Contrast: {np.median([roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]):2.2f}", f"Median CNR: {np.median([roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]):2.1f}", f'# Low contrast ROIs "seen": {sum(roi.passed_visibility for roi in self.low_contrast_rois):2.0f} of {len(self.low_contrast_rois)}', ] if not as_list: text = "\n".join(text) return text
[docs] def results_data(self, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[PlanarResult, dict]: """Overridden because ROIs seen is based on visibility, not CNR""" data = PlanarResult( analysis_type=self.common_name, median_contrast=np.median([roi.contrast for roi in self.low_contrast_rois]), median_cnr=np.median( [roi.contrast_to_noise for roi in self.low_contrast_rois] ), num_contrast_rois_seen=sum( roi.passed_visibility for roi in self.low_contrast_rois ), phantom_center_x_y=(self.phantom_center.x, self.phantom_center.y), ) if as_dict: return dataclasses.asdict(data) return data
[docs]class PTWEPIDQC(ImagePhantomBase): _demo_filename = "PTW-EPID-QC.dcm" common_name = "PTW EPID QC" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 250**2 detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size] detection_canny_settings = {"sigma": 4, "percentiles": (0.001, 0.01)} phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 8.55, "height ratio": 8.55}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { # angled rois "roi 1": { "distance from center": 1.5, "angle": -135, "roi radius": 0.35, "lp/mm": 0.15, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 3.1, "angle": -109, "roi radius": 0.35, "lp/mm": 0.21, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 3.4, "angle": -60, "roi radius": 0.3, "lp/mm": 0.27, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 1.9, "angle": -60, "roi radius": 0.25, "lp/mm": 0.33, }, # vertical rois "roi 5": { "distance from center": 3.68, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.18, "lp/mm": 0.5, }, "roi 6": { "distance from center": 2.9, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.08, "lp/mm": 2, }, "roi 7": { "distance from center": 2.2, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 3, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.87, "angle": 31, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 3.48, "angle": 17, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 3.3, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 3.48, "angle": -17, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 3.87, "angle": -31, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 3.87, "angle": 180 - 31, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 3.48, "angle": 180 - 17, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 8": {"distance from center": 3.3, "angle": 180, "roi radius": 0.3}, "roi 9": {"distance from center": 3.48, "angle": 180 + 17, "roi radius": 0.3}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.85, "angle": -148, "roi radius": 0.3}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Standard Imaging QC-3 phantom analysis demonstration.""" ptw = PTWEPIDQC.from_demo_image() ptw.analyze() ptw.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.116 def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """The angle of the phantom. This assumes the user has placed the phantom with the high-contrast line pairs at the top and low contrast at the bottom at a fixed rotation of 0 degrees. Returns ------- angle : float The angle in degrees. """ return 0 def _check_inversion(self): """The pixels inside the phantom should be mostly bright/high. If not, invert""" roi = self.phantom_ski_region phantom_array = self.image.array[ roi.bbox[0] : roi.bbox[2], roi.bbox[1] : roi.bbox[3] ] p5, p50, p95 = np.percentile(phantom_array, [2, 50, 98]) if abs(p50 - p5) < abs(p50 - p95): self.image.invert()
[docs]class IBAPrimusA(ImagePhantomBase): common_name = "IBA Primus A" _demo_filename = "iba_primus.dcm" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = ( 15**2 ) # with the Primus, we only search for the central crosshair detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size, is_square] phantom_outline_object = { "Rectangle": {"width ratio": 10.75, "height ratio": 10.75} } high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 5.19, "angle": 86.65, "roi radius": 0.12, "lp/mm": 0.6, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 4.92, "angle": 89.5, "roi radius": 0.1, "lp/mm": 0.7, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 4.68, "angle": 92.3, "roi radius": 0.09, "lp/mm": 0.8, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 4.45, "angle": 95.4, "roi radius": 0.08, "lp/mm": 0.9, }, "roi 5": { "distance from center": 4.23, "angle": 99.5, "roi radius": 0.07, "lp/mm": 1, }, "roi 6": { "distance from center": 4.07, "angle": 102.7, "roi radius": 0.06, "lp/mm": 1.2, }, "roi 7": { "distance from center": 3.92, "angle": 105.73, "roi radius": 0.05, "lp/mm": 1.4, }, "roi 8": { "distance from center": 3.82, "angle": 108.65, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 1.6, }, "roi 9": { "distance from center": 4.59, "angle": 74.4, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 1.8, }, "roi 10": { "distance from center": 4.4, "angle": 76.2, "roi radius": 0.035, "lp/mm": 2.0, }, "roi 11": { "distance from center": 4.19, "angle": 77.77, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 2.2, }, "roi 12": { "distance from center": 4, "angle": 79.6, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 2.5, }, "roi 13": { "distance from center": 3.67, "angle": 83.1, "roi radius": 0.025, "lp/mm": 2.8, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": 19, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": 5, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -9, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -23, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -37, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -51, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -65, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 8": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -79, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 9": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -107, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 10": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -121, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 11": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -135, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 12": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -149, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 13": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -163, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 14": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -177, "roi radius": 0.15}, "roi 15": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -191, "roi radius": 0.15}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.95, "angle": -205, "roi radius": 0.15}, } def _check_inversion(self): """The center region (crosshair) should be less intense than an area adjacent to it.""" crosshair_disk = DiskROI( self.image.array, angle=0, roi_radius=self.phantom_radius / 2, dist_from_center=0, phantom_center=self.phantom_center, ) adjacent_disk = DiskROI( self.image.array, angle=0, roi_radius=self.phantom_radius / 2, dist_from_center=self.phantom_radius, phantom_center=self.phantom_center, ) if crosshair_disk.pixel_value < adjacent_disk.pixel_value: self.image.invert() def _wl_spread(self): """window/level spread based on low contrast ROI pixel values""" pixel_values = [roi.pixel_value for roi in self.low_contrast_rois] return abs(max(pixel_values) - min(pixel_values))
[docs] def window_floor(self) -> Optional[float]: return ( min(roi.pixel_value for roi in self.low_contrast_rois) - self._wl_spread() )
[docs] def window_ceiling(self) -> Optional[float]: return ( max(roi.pixel_value for roi in self.low_contrast_rois) + self._wl_spread() )
@cached_property def phantom_angle(self) -> float: """Cache this; calculating the angle is expensive""" return super().phantom_angle def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """Fine-tune the angle by finding the two ends of the dynamic wedge steps and correcting""" prof = CollapsedCircleProfile( center=self.phantom_center, radius=self.phantom_radius * 4.37, image_array=self.image, start_angle=-np.pi / 2, ) # get the points of max delta delta_array = np.argsort(np.diff(median_filter(prof.values, size=5))) # unfortunately, there may be several pixels of max gradient adjacent; we take the first # point and the next point that is not near the first first = delta_array[0] second = None one_degree = delta_array.size / 360 for idx in delta_array: if first + one_degree < idx or idx < first - one_degree: second = idx break if not second: warnings.warn( "The phantom angle was not able to be fine-tuned; a default of 0 is being used instead. Ensure the image is not rotated." ) return 0 # now figure out the angle from the two deltas using the midpoint # perfect set up is when the midpoint is at 0.5. Use diff from that to get offset angle angle = (0.5 - ((second - first) / 2 + first) / prof.values.size) * 360 near_cardinal = (-95 < angle < -85) or (85 < angle < 95) or (-5 < angle < 5) if near_cardinal: return angle else: # something is wrong; image likely rotated warnings.warn( "The phantom angle was not able to be fine-tuned; a default of 0 is being used instead. Ensure the image is not rotated." ) return 0 def _phantom_radius_calc(self): return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.area_bbox)
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Standard Imaging QC-3 phantom analysis demonstration.""" primus = IBAPrimusA.from_demo_image() primus.analyze(ssd=1395) print(primus.results()) primus.plot_analyzed_image()
[docs]class StandardImagingQC3(ImagePhantomBase): _demo_filename = "qc3.dcm" common_name = "SI QC-3" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 168**2 detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size] phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 7.5, "height ratio": 6}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 2.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.1, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": -2.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 1.45, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.25, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": -1.45, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.45, }, "roi 5": { "distance from center": 0, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.76, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 2, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": 55, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": -55, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": 128, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": -128, "roi radius": 0.5}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 2, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.5}, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_demo_image(cls): """Instantiate and load the demo image.""" demo_file = retrieve_demo_file(name=cls._demo_filename) inst = cls(demo_file) inst.image.invert() return inst
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Standard Imaging QC-3 phantom analysis demonstration.""" qc3 = StandardImagingQC3.from_demo_image() qc3.analyze() qc3.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.0896 @lru_cache() def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """The angle of the phantom. This assumes the user is using the stand that comes with the phantom, which angles the phantom at 45 degrees. Returns ------- angle : float The angle in degrees. """ angle = np.degrees(self.phantom_ski_region.orientation) if np.isclose(angle, 45, atol=5): return 45 elif np.isclose(angle, -45, atol=5): return -45 else: raise ValueError( "The phantom angle was not near +/-45 degrees. Please adjust the phantom." )
[docs]class StandardImagingQCkV(StandardImagingQC3): _demo_filename = "SI-QC-kV.dcm" common_name = "SI QC-kV" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 142**2 detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size] phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 7.8, "height ratio": 6.4}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 2.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.66, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": -2.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 0.98, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 1.45, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 1.50, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": -1.45, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 2.00, }, "roi 5": { "distance from center": 0, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.5, "lp/mm": 2.46, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 2, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": 55, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": -55, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": 128, "roi radius": 0.5}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 2.4, "angle": -128, "roi radius": 0.5}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 2, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.5}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Standard Imaging QC-3 phantom analysis demonstration.""" qc3 = StandardImagingQCkV.from_demo_image() qc3.analyze() qc3.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.0989
[docs]class SNCkV(ImagePhantomBase): _demo_filename = "SNC-kV.dcm" common_name = "SNC kV-QA" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 134**2 roi_match_condition = "closest" detection_conditions = [is_centered, is_right_size, is_square] phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 7.7, "height ratio": 5.6}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 1.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 0.6, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": -1.8, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 1.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": -1.8, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 1.8, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 1.8, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 2.4, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 2.6, "angle": -45, "roi radius": 0.6}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 2.6, "angle": -135, "roi radius": 0.6}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 2.6, "angle": 45, "roi radius": 0.6}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 2.6, "angle": 135, "roi radius": 0.6}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.5, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.25}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.5, "angle": -90, "roi radius": 0.25}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Sun Nuclear kV-QA phantom analysis demonstration.""" snc = SNCkV.from_demo_image() snc.analyze() snc.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.1071 def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """The angle of the phantom. This assumes the user is using the stand that comes with the phantom, which angles the phantom at 45 degrees. Returns ------- angle : float The angle in degrees. """ angle = np.degrees(self.phantom_ski_region.orientation) + 180 if np.isclose(angle, 135, atol=5): return angle else: raise ValueError( "The phantom angle was not near 135 degrees per manufacturer recommendations. Please adjust the phantom." )
[docs]class SNCMV(SNCkV): _demo_filename = "SNC-MV.dcm" common_name = "SNC MV-QA" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 118**2 phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 7.5, "height ratio": 7.5}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": -2.3, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.8, "lp/mm": 0.1, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 2.3, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.8, "lp/mm": 0.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 2.3, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.8, "lp/mm": 0.5, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": -2.3, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.8, "lp/mm": 1.0, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.4, "angle": -45, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 3.4, "angle": 45, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 3.4, "angle": 135, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 3.4, "angle": -135, "roi radius": 0.7}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.7, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.2}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": -0.7, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.2}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Sun Nuclear MV-QA phantom analysis demonstration.""" snc = SNCMV.from_demo_image() snc.analyze() snc.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """The angle of the phantom. This assumes the user is using the stand that comes with the phantom, which angles the phantom at 45 degrees. Returns ------- angle : float The angle in degrees. """ return 45 def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.095
[docs]class SNCMV12510(SNCMV): """The older SNC MV QA phantom w/ model number 1251000""" _demo_filename = "SNC_MV_12510.dcm" common_name = "SNC MV-QA (12510)" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 136**2 phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 7.3, "height ratio": 6.2}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": -1.7, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 0.1, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 2.0, "angle": 80, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 0.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 2.4, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 0.5, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": -2.0, "angle": 100, "roi radius": 0.7, "lp/mm": 1.0, }, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 3.1, "angle": -40, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 3.1, "angle": 40, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 2.5, "angle": 130, "roi radius": 0.7}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 2.5, "angle": -130, "roi radius": 0.7}, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 1.0, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.2}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": -0.2, "angle": 0, "roi radius": 0.2}, } def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """The radius of the phantom in pixels; the value itself doesn't matter, it's just used for relative distances to ROIs. Returns ------- radius : float """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.105
[docs]class LeedsTOR(ImagePhantomBase): _demo_filename = "leeds.dcm" common_name = "Leeds" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 148**2 _is_ccw = False phantom_outline_object = {"Circle": {"radius ratio": 0.97}} high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 0.3, "angle": 54.8, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.5, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 0.187, "angle": 25.1, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.56, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 0.187, "angle": -27.5, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.63, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 0.252, "angle": 79.7, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 0.71, }, "roi 5": { "distance from center": 0.092, "angle": 63.4, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 0.8, }, "roi 6": { "distance from center": 0.094, "angle": -65, "roi radius": 0.02, "lp/mm": 0.9, }, "roi 7": { "distance from center": 0.252, "angle": -263, "roi radius": 0.02, "lp/mm": 1.0, }, "roi 8": { "distance from center": 0.094, "angle": -246, "roi radius": 0.018, "lp/mm": 1.12, }, "roi 9": { "distance from center": 0.0958, "angle": -117, "roi radius": 0.018, "lp/mm": 1.25, }, "roi 10": { "distance from center": 0.27, "angle": 112.5, "roi radius": 0.015, "lp/mm": 1.4, }, "roi 11": { "distance from center": 0.13, "angle": 145, "roi radius": 0.015, "lp/mm": 1.6, }, "roi 12": { "distance from center": 0.135, "angle": -142, "roi radius": 0.011, "lp/mm": 1.8, }, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.65, "angle": 30, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.65, "angle": 120, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.65, "angle": 210, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.65, "angle": 300, "roi radius": 0.025}, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { # set 1 "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 30, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 45, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 60, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 75, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 105, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 120, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 8": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 135, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 9": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 150, "roi radius": 0.025}, # set 2 "roi 10": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 210, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 11": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 225, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 12": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 240, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 13": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 255, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 14": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 270, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 15": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 285, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 16": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 300, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 17": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 315, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 18": {"distance from center": 0.785, "angle": 330, "roi radius": 0.025}, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Leeds TOR phantom analysis demonstration.""" leeds = LeedsTOR.from_demo_image() leeds.analyze() leeds.plot_analyzed_image()
@lru_cache() def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: """Determine the angle of the phantom. This is done by searching for square-like boxes of the canny image. There are usually two: one lead and one copper. The box with the highest intensity (lead) is identified. The angle from the center of the lead square bounding box and the phantom center determines the phantom angle. Returns ------- angle : float The angle in degrees """ start_angle_deg = self._determine_start_angle_for_circle_profile() circle = self._circle_profile_for_phantom_angle(start_angle_deg, is_ccw=True) peak_idx, _ = circle.find_fwxm_peaks(threshold=0.6, max_number=1) shift_percent = peak_idx[0] / len(circle.values) shift_radians = shift_percent * 2 * np.pi shift_radians_corrected = 2 * np.pi - shift_radians angle = np.degrees(shift_radians_corrected) + start_angle_deg return angle def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: """Determine the radius of the phantom. The radius is determined by finding the largest of the detected blobs of the canny image and taking its major axis length. Returns ------- radius : float The radius of the phantom in pixels. The actual value is not important; it is used for scaling the distances to the low and high contrast ROIs. """ return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 0.515 def _determine_start_angle_for_circle_profile(self) -> float: """Determine an appropriate angle for starting the circular profile used to determine the phantom angle. In most cases we can just use 0 degs but for the case where the phantom is set up near 0 degs, the peak of the circular profile will be split between the left and right sides of the profile. We can check for this case by looking at a few of the peak indexes and determining whether they are all on the left or right side of the profile or split left and right. If they're split left and right, then we we need to use a different circular profile start angle to get an accurate angle determination Returns ------- start_angle_deg: float The start angle to be used for the circular profile used to determine the phantom rotation. """ circle = self._circle_profile_for_phantom_angle(0) peak_idxs, _ = circle.find_fwxm_peaks(threshold=0.6, max_number=4) on_left_half = [x < len(circle.values) / 2 for x in peak_idxs] aligned_to_zero_deg = not (all(on_left_half) or not any(on_left_half)) return 90 if aligned_to_zero_deg else 0 def _preprocess(self) -> None: self._check_if_counter_clockwise() def _check_if_counter_clockwise(self) -> None: """Determine if the low-contrast bubbles go from high to low clockwise or counter-clockwise.""" circle = self._circle_profile_for_phantom_angle(0) peak_idx, _ = circle.find_fwxm_peaks(threshold=0.6, max_number=1) circle.values = np.roll(circle.values, -peak_idx[0]) _, first_set = circle.find_peaks( search_region=(0.05, 0.45), threshold=0, min_distance=0.025, max_number=9 ) _, second_set = circle.find_peaks( search_region=(0.55, 0.95), threshold=0, min_distance=0.025, max_number=9 ) self._is_ccw = max(first_set) > max(second_set) if not self._is_ccw: self.image.fliplr() del ( self.phantom_ski_region ) # clear the property to calculate it again since we flipped it def _circle_profile_for_phantom_angle( self, start_angle_deg: float, is_ccw: bool = False ) -> CollapsedCircleProfile: """Create a circular profile centered at phantom origin Parameters ---------- start_angle_deg: float Angle in degrees at which to start the profile Returns ------- circle : CollapsedCircleProfile The circular profile centered on the phantom center and origin set to the given start angle. """ circle = CollapsedCircleProfile( self.phantom_center, self.phantom_radius * 0.79, self.image.array, width_ratio=0.04, ccw=is_ccw, start_angle=np.deg2rad(start_angle_deg), ) circle.ground() circle.filter(size=0.01) circle.invert() return circle def _check_inversion(self): """We recycle the circle profile used for angle detection to determine the correct inversion The profile is mostly even except the bright lead area. If the lead area is darker than the mean, it's inverted.""" circle = self._circle_profile_for_phantom_angle(start_angle_deg=0) p2, p50, p98 = np.percentile(circle.values, [2, 50, 98]) if abs(p50 - p98) < abs(p50 - p2): self.image.invert()
[docs]class LeedsTORBlue(LeedsTOR): """The Leeds TOR (Blue) is for analyzing older Leeds phantoms which have slightly offset ROIs compared to the newer, red-ring variant.""" common_name = "Leeds (Blue)" high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 0.3, "angle": 54.8, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.5, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 0.187, "angle": 25.1, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.56, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 0.187, "angle": -27.5, "roi radius": 0.04, "lp/mm": 0.63, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 0.252, "angle": 79.7, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 0.71, }, "roi 5": { "distance from center": 0.092, "angle": 63.4, "roi radius": 0.03, "lp/mm": 0.8, }, "roi 6": { "distance from center": 0.094, "angle": -65, "roi radius": 0.02, "lp/mm": 0.9, }, "roi 7": { "distance from center": 0.252, "angle": -260, "roi radius": 0.02, "lp/mm": 1.0, }, "roi 8": { "distance from center": 0.094, "angle": -240, "roi radius": 0.018, "lp/mm": 1.12, }, "roi 9": { "distance from center": 0.0958, "angle": -120, "roi radius": 0.018, "lp/mm": 1.25, }, "roi 10": { "distance from center": 0.27, "angle": 115, "roi radius": 0.015, "lp/mm": 1.4, }, "roi 11": { "distance from center": 0.13, "angle": 150, "roi radius": 0.011, "lp/mm": 1.6, }, "roi 12": { "distance from center": 0.135, "angle": -150, "roi radius": 0.011, "lp/mm": 1.8, }, } low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.6, "angle": 30, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.6, "angle": 120, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.6, "angle": 210, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.6, "angle": 300, "roi radius": 0.025}, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { # set 1 "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 30, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 45, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 60, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 75, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 90, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 105, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 120, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 8": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 135, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 9": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 150, "roi radius": 0.025}, # set 2 "roi 10": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 210, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 11": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 225, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 12": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 240, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 13": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 255, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 14": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 270, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 15": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 285, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 16": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 300, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 17": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 315, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 18": {"distance from center": 0.83, "angle": 330, "roi radius": 0.025}, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_demo_image(cls): raise NotImplementedError("There is no demo file for this analysis")
[docs]class DoselabMC2kV(ImagePhantomBase): common_name = "Doselab MC2 kV" _demo_filename = "Doselab_kV.dcm" phantom_bbox_size_mm2 = 26300 detection_conditions = [is_right_size] phantom_outline_object = {"Rectangle": {"width ratio": 0.55, "height ratio": 0.63}} low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.27, "angle": 48.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.27, "angle": -48.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.225, "angle": -65, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.205, "angle": -88.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.22, "angle": -110, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 0.22, "angle": 110, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 0.205, "angle": 88.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 0.225, "angle": 65, "roi radius": 0.025}, } high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 0.17, "angle": -20, "roi radius": 0.013, "lp/mm": 0.6, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 0.16, "angle": -2, "roi radius": 0.007, "lp/mm": 1.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 0.164, "angle": 12.8, "roi radius": 0.005, "lp/mm": 1.8, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 0.175, "angle": 24.7, "roi radius": 0.0035, "lp/mm": 2.4, }, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Doselab MC2 kV-area phantom analysis demonstration.""" leeds = DoselabMC2kV.from_demo_image() leeds.analyze() leeds.plot_analyzed_image()
def _phantom_radius_calc(self) -> float: return math.sqrt(self.phantom_ski_region.bbox_area) * 1.214 def _phantom_angle_calc(self) -> float: roi = self.phantom_ski_region angle = np.degrees(roi.orientation) + 90 if not np.isclose(angle, 45, atol=5): raise ValueError( "Angles not close enough to the ideal 45 degrees. Check phantom setup or override angle." ) return angle
[docs]class DoselabMC2MV(DoselabMC2kV): common_name = "Doselab MC2 MV" _demo_filename = "Doselab_MV.dcm" low_contrast_background_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.27, "angle": 48.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, } low_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": {"distance from center": 0.27, "angle": -48.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 2": {"distance from center": 0.225, "angle": -65, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 3": {"distance from center": 0.205, "angle": -88.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 4": {"distance from center": 0.22, "angle": -110, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 5": {"distance from center": 0.22, "angle": 110, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 6": {"distance from center": 0.205, "angle": 88.5, "roi radius": 0.025}, "roi 7": {"distance from center": 0.225, "angle": 65, "roi radius": 0.025}, } high_contrast_roi_settings = { "roi 1": { "distance from center": 0.23, "angle": -135.3, "roi radius": 0.012, "lp/mm": 0.1, }, "roi 2": { "distance from center": 0.173, "angle": 161, "roi radius": 0.012, "lp/mm": 0.2, }, "roi 3": { "distance from center": 0.237, "angle": 133, "roi radius": 0.012, "lp/mm": 0.4, }, "roi 4": { "distance from center": 0.298, "angle": 122.9, "roi radius": 0.01, "lp/mm": 0.8, }, }
[docs] @staticmethod def run_demo() -> None: """Run the Doselab MC2 MV-area phantom analysis demonstration.""" leeds = DoselabMC2MV.from_demo_image() leeds.analyze() leeds.plot_analyzed_image()
def take_centermost_roi(rprops: List[RegionProperties], image_shape: Tuple[int, int]): """Return the ROI that is closest to the center.""" larger_rois = [ rprop for rprop in rprops if rprop.area > 20 and rprop.eccentricity < 0.9 ] # drop stray pixel ROIs and line-like ROIs center_roi = sorted( larger_rois, key=lambda p: abs(p.centroid[0] - image_shape[0] / 2) + abs(p.centroid[1] - image_shape[1] / 2), )[0] return center_roi