Source code for

"""I/O helper functions for pylinac."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import os.path as osp
import struct
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import BinaryIO, Callable
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve

import numpy as np
import pydicom
from tqdm import tqdm

from .profile import SingleProfile

[docs]def is_dicom(file: str | Path) -> bool: """Boolean specifying if file is a proper DICOM file. This function is a pared down version of read_preamble meant for a fast return. The file is read for a proper preamble ('DICM'), returning True if so, and False otherwise. This is a conservative approach. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to the file. See Also -------- pydicom.filereader.read_preamble pydicom.filereader.read_partial """ with open(file, "rb") as fp: prefix = return prefix == b"DICM"
[docs]def is_dicom_image(file: str | Path | BinaryIO) -> bool: """Boolean specifying if file is a proper DICOM file with a image Parameters ---------- file : str The path to the file. See Also -------- pydicom.filereader.read_preamble pydicom.filereader.read_partial """ result = False try: img = pydicom.dcmread(file, force=True) if "TransferSyntaxUID" not in img.file_meta: img.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = pydicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian img.pixel_array result = True except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, struct.error): pass return result
[docs]def retrieve_dicom_file(file: str | Path | BinaryIO) -> pydicom.FileDataset: """Read and return the DICOM dataset. Parameters ---------- file : str The path to the file. """ ds = pydicom.dcmread(file, force=True) if "TransferSyntaxUID" not in ds.file_meta: ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = pydicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian return ds
[docs]class TemporaryZipDirectory(TemporaryDirectory): """Creates a temporary directory that unpacks a ZIP archive. Shockingly useful""" def __init__(self, zfile: str | Path | BinaryIO): """ Parameters ---------- zfile : str String that points to a ZIP archive. """ super().__init__() zfiles = zipfile.ZipFile(zfile) zfiles.extractall(
[docs]def retrieve_filenames( directory: str | Path, func: Callable | None = None, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> list[str]: """Retrieve file names in a directory. Parameters ---------- directory : str The directory to walk over recursively. func : function, None The function that validates if the file name should be kept. If None, no validation will be performed and all file names will be returned. recursive : bool Whether to search only the root directory. kwargs Additional arguments passed to the func parameter. """ filenames = [] if func is None: def func(x): return True for pdir, _, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: filename = osp.join(pdir, file) if func(filename, **kwargs): filenames.append(filename) if not recursive: break return filenames
[docs]def retrieve_demo_file(name: str, force: bool = False) -> Path: """Retrieve the demo file either by getting it from file or from a URL. If the file is already on disk it returns the file name. If the file isn't on disk, get the file from the URL and put it at the expected demo file location on disk for lazy loading next time. Parameters ---------- name : str The suffix to the url (location within the S3 bucket) pointing to the demo file. """ true_url = r"" + name demo_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "demo_files" / name # demo_file = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(__file__)), "demo_files", name) demo_dir = demo_path.parent if not demo_dir.exists(): os.makedirs(demo_dir) if force or not demo_path.exists(): get_url(true_url, destination=demo_path) return demo_path
[docs]def is_url(url: str) -> bool: """Determine whether a given string is a valid URL. Parameters ---------- url : str Returns ------- bool """ try: with urlopen(url) as r: return r.status == 200 except: return False
[docs]def get_url( url: str, destination: str | Path | None = None, progress_bar: bool = True ) -> str: """Download a URL to a local file. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to download. destination : str, None The destination of the file. If None is given the file is saved to a temporary directory. progress_bar : bool Whether to show a command-line progress bar while downloading. Returns ------- filename : str The location of the downloaded file. Notes ----- Progress bar use/example adapted from tqdm documentation: """ def my_hook(t): last_b = [0] def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize if b > 0: t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner try: if progress_bar: with tqdm( unit="B", unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=url.split("/")[-1] ) as t: filename, _ = urlretrieve( url, filename=destination, reporthook=my_hook(t) ) else: filename, _ = urlretrieve(url, filename=destination) except (HTTPError, URLError, ValueError) as e: raise e return filename
# this is easier with pandas, but I don't want that as a dependency at this point
[docs]class SNCProfiler: """Load a file from a Sun Nuclear Profiler device. This accepts .prs files.""" def __init__( self, path: str, detector_row: int = 106, bias_row: int = 107, calibration_row: int = 108, data_row: int = -1, data_columns: slice = slice(5, 259), ): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the .prs file. detector_row bias_row calibration_row data_row data_columns The range of columns that the data is in. Usually, there are some columns before and after the real data. """ with open(path, encoding="cp437") as f: raw_data = self.detectors = raw_data[detector_row].split("\t")[data_columns] self.bias = np.array(raw_data[bias_row].split("\t")[data_columns]).astype( float ) self.calibration = np.array( raw_data[calibration_row].split("\t")[data_columns] ).astype(float) = np.array(raw_data[data_row].split("\t")[data_columns]).astype( float ) self.timetic = float(raw_data[bias_row].split("\t")[2]) self.integrated_dose = self.calibration * ( - self.bias * self.timetic )
[docs] def to_profiles( self, n_detectors_row: int = 63, **kwargs ) -> tuple[SingleProfile, SingleProfile, SingleProfile, SingleProfile]: """Convert the SNC data to SingleProfiles. These can be analyzed directly or passed to other modules like flat/sym. Parameters ---------- n_detectors_row : int The number of detectors in a given row. Note that they Y profile includes 2 extra detectors from the other 3. """ def copy_cax_dose( array: np.ndarray, center_detector_idx: int = 31 ) -> np.ndarray: array = np.insert( array, center_detector_idx + 1, array[center_detector_idx] ) array = np.insert( array, center_detector_idx - 1, array[center_detector_idx] ) return array y_prof = SingleProfile( self.integrated_dose[n_detectors_row : 2 * n_detectors_row + 2], **kwargs ) # for all but the y profile, we are missing detectors to the left and right of center because the center y-detector is too wide # for physical spacing purposes we have to fill those values in. we use the central value. x_prof = SingleProfile( copy_cax_dose(self.integrated_dose[:n_detectors_row]), **kwargs ) pos_prof = SingleProfile( copy_cax_dose( self.integrated_dose[2 * n_detectors_row + 2 : 3 * n_detectors_row + 2] ), **kwargs, ) neg_prof = SingleProfile( copy_cax_dose( self.integrated_dose[3 * n_detectors_row + 2 : 4 * n_detectors_row + 2] ), **kwargs, ) return x_prof, y_prof, pos_prof, neg_prof