Source code for pylinac.nuclear

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
from pydantic import BaseModel
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from skimage.measure import block_reduce, label, regionprops
from skimage.morphology import (
from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from pylinac.core.contrast import michelson
from pylinac.core.geometry import Circle, Point, direction_to_coords
from pylinac.core.image import DicomImage, NMImageStack
from pylinac.core.mtf import MomentMTF
from pylinac.core.profile import find_peaks
from pylinac.core.roi import DiskROI, HighContrastDiskROI, RectangleROI
from pylinac.core.utilities import ResultsDataMixin
from pylinac.metrics.image import WeightedCentroid

[docs] class MaxCountRateResults(BaseModel): max_countrate: float #: max_frame: int #: frame_duration: float #: sums: dict[int, float] #:
[docs] class MaxCountRate(ResultsDataMixin[MaxCountRateResults]): """Calculate the maximum countrate of a gamma camera. Reimplementation of the NMQC toolkit's MaxCountRate test (4.2) Parameters ---------- path : str | Path The path to the DICOM file. See Also -------- """ stack: NMImageStack frame_duration: float max_countrate: float sums: dict[int, float] def __init__(self, path: str | Path) -> None: self.stack = NMImageStack(path)
[docs] def analyze(self, frame_duration: float = 1.0) -> float: """Analyze the DICOM file and return the maximum countrate. Parameters ---------- frame_duration : float The duration of each frame in seconds. """ self.frame_duration = frame_duration self.sums = {} for idx, img in enumerate(self.stack.frames): self.sums[idx] = img.array.sum() / frame_duration
@property def max_countrate(self) -> float: """The maximum countrate in counts/second.""" return max(self.sums.values()) @property def max_frame(self) -> int: """The frame number that had the maximum countrate.""" return max(self.sums, key=self.sums.get) @property def max_time(self) -> float: """The time of the maximum countrate.""" return self.max_frame * self.frame_duration
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True) -> None: """Plot the countrate over time.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot( np.asarray(list(self.sums.keys())) * self.frame_duration, self.sums.values() ) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("Count Rate (cps)") # show the frames on a second x-axis ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlabel("Frame") ax2.set_xlim(np.asarray(ax.get_xlim()) / self.frame_duration) plt.tight_layout() # plot the max point ax.plot(self.max_time, self.max_countrate, "ro") if show:
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Max countrate: {self.max_countrate:.0f} counts/second\n" f"Frame duration: {self.frame_duration:.2f} seconds\n" f"Max frame: {self.max_frame} out of {len(self.stack.frames)}\n" )
def _generate_results_data(self) -> MaxCountRateResults: """Return the results as a dict or dataclass.""" return MaxCountRateResults( max_countrate=self.max_countrate, frame_duration=self.frame_duration, max_frame=self.max_frame, sums=self.sums, )
[docs] class PlanarUniformityResults(BaseModel): ufov_integral_uniformity: float #: ufov_differential_uniformity: float #: cfov_integral_uniformity: float #: cfov_differential_uniformity: float #:
@dataclass class FOV: """Represents a field of view (FOV) of a gamma camera.""" name: str fov: np.ndarray boundary_x: np.ndarray boundary_y: np.ndarray window_size: int @property def integral_uniformity(self) -> float: """The integral uniformity of the FOV.""" # non-zero values only return integral_uniformity(self.fov[self.fov > 0]) @cached_property def _differential_uniformities( self, ) -> (dict[tuple[int, int], float], dict[tuple[int, int], float]): """Helper to get the differential uniformity arrays of the FOV.""" non_zero = np.where(self.fov > 0, self.fov, np.nan) y_view = sliding_window_view(non_zero, window_shape=self.window_size, axis=0) x_view = sliding_window_view(non_zero, window_shape=self.window_size, axis=1) y_diffs = {} for i in range(y_view.shape[0]): for j in range(y_view.shape[1]): # only add the differential uniformity if the integral uniformity is valid unif = integral_uniformity(y_view[i, j]) if not np.isnan(unif): y_diffs[(i, j)] = unif # same for x x_diffs = {} for i in range(x_view.shape[0]): for j in range(x_view.shape[1]): # only add the differential uniformity if the integral uniformity is valid unif = integral_uniformity(x_view[i, j]) if not np.isnan(unif): x_diffs[(i, j)] = unif return y_diffs, x_diffs @property def differential_uniformity(self) -> float: """The maximum differential uniformity of the FOV.""" max_x = max(self._differential_uniformities[1].values()) max_y = max(self._differential_uniformities[0].values()) return max(max_x, max_y) @property def max_point(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """The point where the maximum value is located.""" nan_array = np.where(self.fov == 0, np.nan, self.fov) local_point = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(nan_array), self.fov.shape) return int(local_point[0]), int(local_point[1]) @property def min_point(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """The point where the minimum value is located.""" nan_array = np.where(self.fov == 0, np.nan, self.fov) local_point = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(nan_array), self.fov.shape) return int(local_point[0]), int(local_point[1]) def plot_to(self, axis: Axes, color: str) -> None: """Plot the FOV and it's related metrics to an axis""" axis.scatter( self.boundary_x, self.boundary_y, color=color, label=f"{} Boundary", marker=".", ) axis.scatter( self.max_point[1], self.max_point[0], color=color, marker="s", label=f"{} Max", ) axis.scatter( self.min_point[1], self.min_point[0], color=color, marker="x", label=f"{} Min", ) # plot the max differential uniformity 5x1 box max_x = max(self._differential_uniformities[1].values()) max_y = max(self._differential_uniformities[0].values()) if max_x > max_y: max_point = max( self._differential_uniformities[1], key=self._differential_uniformities[1].get, ) width = self.window_size height = 1 else: max_point = max( self._differential_uniformities[0], key=self._differential_uniformities[0].get, ) width = 1 height = self.window_size # offset by half pixel so we're centered about the target pixel rect = Rectangle( (max_point[1] - 0.5, max_point[0] - 0.5), width, height, linewidth=1, edgecolor=color, facecolor="none", label=f"{} Max Diff. Window", ) axis.add_patch(rect) axis.legend()
[docs] class PlanarUniformity: """Analyzes an image for its integral and differential uniformity.""" stack: NMImageStack frame_results: dict[str, dict[str, FOV | np.ndarray]] def __init__(self, path: str | Path) -> None: self.stack = NMImageStack(path) self.path = Path(path)
[docs] def analyze( self, ufov_ratio: float = 0.95, cfov_ratio: float = 0.75, window_size: int = 5, threshold: float = 0.75, ) -> None: """Analyze the field for the UFOV and CFOV's integral and differential uniformity. Parameters ---------- ufov_ratio : float The ratio of the useful field of view (UFOV) to the detected size of the field of view. cfov_ratio : float The ratio of the central field of view (CFOV) to the UFOV. E.g. if this is 0.75 and the UFOV ratio is 0.95, then the CFOV will be 0.95*0.75=0.7125 of the total FOV. window_size : int The size of the window in pixels to use for the differential uniformity calculation. threshold : float The threshold to use for removing low-value pixels. This is a fraction of the mean value of the pixels that are > 0. """ self.frame_results = {} for idx, frame in enumerate(self.stack.frames): # we need to block-reduce until the pixel size is within NEMA range cleaned_frame, _ = self.preprocess(frame, threshold=threshold) ufov_array, ufov_x, ufov_y = get_fov(cleaned_frame, ufov_ratio) ufov = FOV( name="UFOV", fov=ufov_array, boundary_x=ufov_x, boundary_y=ufov_y, window_size=window_size, ) cfov_array, cfov_x, cfov_y = get_fov(cleaned_frame, cfov_ratio * ufov_ratio) cfov = FOV( name="CFOV", fov=cfov_array, boundary_x=cfov_x, boundary_y=cfov_y, window_size=window_size, ) self.frame_results[str(idx + 1)] = { "ufov": ufov, "cfov": cfov, "binned_frame": cleaned_frame, }
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" s = [] for key, result in self.frame_results.items(): s.append(f"Frame {key}:\n") s.append( f"UFOV integral uniformity: {result['ufov'].integral_uniformity:.2f}%\n" ) s.append( f"UFOV differential uniformity {result['ufov'].differential_uniformity:.2f}%\n" ) s.append( f"CFOV integral uniformity: {result['cfov'].integral_uniformity:.2f}%\n" ) s.append( f"CFOV differential uniformity {result['cfov'].differential_uniformity:.2f}%\n" ) s.append("\n") return "".join(s)
def results_data( self, as_dict: bool = False, as_json: bool = False ) -> dict[str, PlanarUniformityResults | dict | str] | str: data = {} for key, result in self.frame_results.items(): r = PlanarUniformityResults( ufov_integral_uniformity=result["ufov"].integral_uniformity, ufov_differential_uniformity=result["ufov"].differential_uniformity, cfov_integral_uniformity=result["cfov"].integral_uniformity, cfov_differential_uniformity=result["cfov"].differential_uniformity, ) if as_dict: # make the key 1-based for ease of understanding by the user and match # dicom labeling data[f"Frame {key}"] = r.model_dump() elif as_json: data[f"Frame {key}"] = r.model_dump_json() else: data[f"Frame {key}"] = r if as_json: data = json.dumps(data) return data
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True, cmap: str = "gray") -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot each frame with the UFOV and CFOV boundaries, max points, and max differential uniformity window.""" figs = [] axes = [] for key, result in self.frame_results.items(): fig, axis = plt.subplots() nan_array = np.where( result["binned_frame"] == 0, np.nan, result["binned_frame"] ) axis.imshow( result["binned_frame"], cmap=cmap, vmin=np.nanmin(nan_array), vmax=np.nanmax(nan_array), ) result["ufov"].plot_to(axis, color="y") result["cfov"].plot_to(axis, color="r") axis.legend(loc="upper right") fig.suptitle(f"Frame {key}") figs.append(fig) axes.append(axis) if show: return figs, axes
@staticmethod def preprocess(frame: DicomImage, threshold: float) -> (np.ndarray, int): array = np.copy(frame.array) pixel_size = frame.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] bin_size = determine_binning(pixel_size) array = block_reduce(array, block_size=(bin_size, bin_size), func=np.sum) # filter image # kernel based on NEMA/IAEA # see # pg 59/71 kernel = np.array([[1, 2, 1], [2, 4, 2], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=float) kernel /= kernel.sum() array = convolve2d(array, kernel, mode="same") # clean the edges array[0, :] = 0 array[-1, :] = 0 array[:, 0] = 0 array[:, -1] = 0 # remove pixels that are <75% of mean of "meaningful" pixels # meaningful pixels are those > 10% of max # this helps remove the background threshold = array[array > np.max(array) * 0.10].mean() * threshold array[array < threshold] = 0 # remove stray pixels binary_frame = array > 0 remove_small_objects(binary_frame, min_size=2, out=binary_frame) remove_small_holes(binary_frame, area_threshold=2, out=binary_frame) array[binary_frame == 0] = 0 return array, bin_size
def get_fov(array: np.ndarray, size: float) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """Get the boundary of the FOV, either CFOV or UFOV. This will also return the boundaries of the FOV for plotting purposes. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array to find the FOV of. size : float The size of the FOV as a ratio of the largest dimension (0-1). """ binary_frame = array > 0 labeled_frame, num_labels = label(binary_frame, connectivity=1, return_num=True) rois = regionprops(labeled_frame, intensity_image=array) largest_roi = max(rois, key=lambda x: x.area) # find the largest dimension, x or y longest_dim = max(largest_roi.image.shape) erosion = int(round((1 - size) * longest_dim)) eroded_binary = isotropic_erosion(binary_frame, radius=erosion / 2) boundary = find_boundaries(eroded_binary, connectivity=1, mode="inner") boundary_y, boundary_x = np.nonzero(boundary) fov_array = np.where(eroded_binary, array, 0) # get the offset of the fov array from the original array return fov_array, boundary_x, boundary_y def integral_uniformity(array: np.ndarray) -> float: """Calculate the integral uniformity of a FOV as defined by IAEA pg 7: """ return michelson(array) * 100 def determine_binning(pixel_size: float) -> int: """Determine the binning factor for a given pixel size. We want to bin the image until the pixel size is within the NEMA range of 4.48-8.32mm. """ binning = 1 while pixel_size < 4.48: pixel_size *= 2 binning *= 2 return binning
[docs] class CenterOfRotationResults(BaseModel): x_deviation_mm: float #: y_deviation_mm: float #:
[docs] class CenterOfRotation(ResultsDataMixin[CenterOfRotationResults]): """Analyze the center of rotation deviation of a gamma camera.""" centroids: dict[float, Point] cor_x: dict[str, float | np.ndarray] cor_y: dict[str, float | np.ndarray] def __init__(self, path: str | Path): self.path = Path(path) self.stack = NMImageStack(path)
[docs] def analyze(self) -> None: """Analyze the DICOM file to determine the deviation from the center of rotation.""" # find the weighted centroids of all the images rot_dir = self.stack.metadata.RotationInformationSequence[0].RotationDirection rot_sign = -1 if rot_dir == "CW" else 1 start_angle = self.stack.metadata.RotationInformationSequence[0].StartAngle step_size = self.stack.metadata.RotationInformationSequence[0].AngularStep centroids = {} for idx, frame in enumerate(self.stack.frames): centroid = frame.compute(WeightedCentroid()) angle = start_angle + rot_sign * idx * step_size centroids[angle] = centroid x_values = np.radians(list(centroids.keys())) # the data is offset by half a pixel due to physical # pixel size. I.e. index 0 is really half a pixel from the edge half_pixel = self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] * 0.5 # x-fit y_values = ( np.asarray([p.x for p in centroids.values()]) * self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] + half_pixel ) params, _ = curve_fit( sinusoidal_fit, x_values, y_values, p0=[np.mean(y_values), 1, 1, 1] ) fitted_y_data = sinusoidal_fit( x_values, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3] ) residuals = y_values - fitted_y_data self.cor_x = { "x_values": x_values, "y_values": y_values, "a": params[0], "b": params[1], "c": params[2], "phi": params[3], "fitted_y_values": fitted_y_data, "residuals": residuals, } # y-data y_values = ( np.asarray([p.y for p in centroids.values()]) * self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] + half_pixel ) residuals = y_values - np.mean(y_values) self.cor_y = { "x_values": x_values, "residuals": residuals, }
@property def x_cor_deviation_mm(self) -> float: """The deviation of the center of rotation from the center of the matrix in mm.""" return np.max(np.abs(self.cor_x["residuals"])) @property def y_cor_deviation_mm(self) -> float: """The deviation of the center of rotation from the center of the matrix in mm.""" return np.max(np.abs(self.cor_y["residuals"]))
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Center of Rotation results for {}\n" f"X-axis center of rotation deviation (mm): {self.x_cor_deviation_mm:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis center of rotation deviation (mm): {self.y_cor_deviation_mm:.3f}\n" )
def _generate_results_data(self) -> CenterOfRotationResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return CenterOfRotationResults( x_deviation_mm=self.x_cor_deviation_mm, y_deviation_mm=self.y_cor_deviation_mm, ) def plot(self, show: bool = True) -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): figs = [] axes = [] # plot the x-axis sine fit fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(self.cor_x["x_values"], self.cor_x["y_values"], "bo") ax.plot( self.cor_x["x_values"], self.cor_x["fitted_y_values"], "r-", label=f'{self.cor_x["a"]:2.2f}{self.cor_x["b"]:+2.3f}*sin({self.cor_x["c"]:2.2f}*\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA}{self.cor_x["phi"]:+2.2f})', ) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Angle (radians)") ax.set_ylabel("Position (mm)") ax.grid(True) fig.suptitle("Sine fit (X-axis)") figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) # plot the x and y-axis residuals for cor, axis in zip([self.cor_x, self.cor_y], ["X-axis", "Y-axis"]): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(cor["x_values"], cor["residuals"], "bo") ax.set_xlabel("Angle (radians)") ax.set_ylabel("Residual Error (mm)") ax.grid(True) fig.suptitle(f"Residual error ({axis})") figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) if show: return figs, axes
def sinusoidal_fit(theta: float, a: float, b: float, c: float, phi: float) -> float: """Return a fitted sinusoidal function. See IAEA pg176, Method B (2).""" return a + b * np.sin(c * theta + phi) def weighted_centroid_3d(arr: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float] | None: if np.sum(arr) == 0: return None # Avoid division by zero # Get the indices of all elements in 3D z_indices, y_indices, x_indices = np.indices(arr.shape) # Calculate the sum of weights (total weight) total_weight = np.sum(arr) # Calculate the weighted sum of indices for each dimension x_weighted_sum = np.sum(x_indices * arr) y_weighted_sum = np.sum(y_indices * arr) z_weighted_sum = np.sum(z_indices * arr) # Calculate the centroid for each dimension centroid_x = x_weighted_sum / total_weight centroid_y = y_weighted_sum / total_weight centroid_z = z_weighted_sum / total_weight return centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z
[docs] class TomographicResolutionResults(BaseModel): x_fwhm: float #: y_fwhm: float #: z_fwhm: float #: x_fwtm: float #: y_fwtm: float #: z_fwtm: float #:
@dataclass class TomographicResolutionAxisData: axis: str #: profile_array: np.ndarray #: pixel_size: float #: def __post_init__(self): xs = np.arange(len(self.profile_array)) * self.pixel_size self.popt, _ = curve_fit( gaussian_fit, xs, self.profile_array, p0=[np.max(self.profile_array), np.mean(xs), self.pixel_size], ) @property def fwhm(self) -> float: """The full width at half maximum of the x-profile.""" return fwhm_from_gaussian(self.popt[2]) @property def fwtm(self) -> float: """The full width at tenth maximum of the x-profile.""" return fwtm_from_gaussian(self.popt[2]) def plot(self) -> (Figure, Axes): fig, ax = plt.subplots() xs = np.arange(len(self.profile_array)) * self.pixel_size x_interpolated = ( np.linspace(0, len(self.profile_array), num=len(self.profile_array) * 20) * self.pixel_size ) fitted_y = gaussian_fit(x_interpolated, *self.popt) # plot raw ax.plot(xs, self.profile_array, "bo", label="Raw Data") # close limits to around the peak ax.set_xlim( (self.popt[1] - 10 * self.popt[2]), (self.popt[1] + 10 * self.popt[2]) ) # plot fitted gaussian ax.plot(x_interpolated, fitted_y, "r-", label="Gaussian Fit") ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel("Distance (mm)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") fig.suptitle(f"{self.axis}-axis profile") return fig, ax
[docs] class TomographicResolution(ResultsDataMixin[TomographicResolutionResults]): """Analyze a tomographic resolution image for its x/y/z resolution. Based on IAEA test 4.3.4, pg 169 Parameters ---------- path : str | Path The path to the DICOM file. """ x_axis: TomographicResolutionAxisData y_axis: TomographicResolutionAxisData z_axis: TomographicResolutionAxisData def __init__(self, path: str | Path) -> None: self.stack = NMImageStack(path) self.path = Path(path)
[docs] def analyze(self) -> None: """Analyze the frames by finding the 3D weighted centroid and then taking a profile of the x/y/z axes and that position""" # find the weighted centroid of the stack in 3D array_3d = self.stack.as_3d_array() x, y, z = weighted_centroid_3d(array_3d) # the slice at the z-location will give the x/y resolution xy_frame = self.stack.frames[int(round(z))] p = xy_frame.compute(WeightedCentroid()) # take a profile of the x/y resolution x_profile = xy_frame.array[int(round(p.y)), :] self.x_axis = TomographicResolutionAxisData( "X", x_profile, self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] ) y_profile = xy_frame.array[:, int(round(p.x))] self.y_axis = TomographicResolutionAxisData( "Y", y_profile, self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] ) # z axis. resolution is the spacing between slices. z_profile = array_3d[:, int(round(p.y)), int(round(p.x))] dpmm = abs(self.stack.metadata.SpacingBetweenSlices) self.z_axis = TomographicResolutionAxisData("Z", z_profile, dpmm)
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Tomographic Resolution results for {}\n" f"X-axis FWHM (mm): {self.x_axis.fwhm:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis FWHM (mm): {self.y_axis.fwhm:.3f}\n" f"Z-axis FWHM (mm): {self.z_axis.fwhm:.3f}\n" f"X-axis FWTM (mm): {self.x_axis.fwtm:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis FWTM (mm): {self.y_axis.fwtm:.3f}\n" f"Z-axis FWTM (mm): {self.z_axis.fwtm:.3f}\n" )
def _generate_results_data(self) -> TomographicResolutionResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return TomographicResolutionResults( x_fwhm=self.x_axis.fwhm, y_fwhm=self.y_axis.fwhm, z_fwhm=self.z_axis.fwhm, x_fwtm=self.x_axis.fwtm, y_fwtm=self.y_axis.fwtm, z_fwtm=self.z_axis.fwtm, )
[docs] def plot(self) -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot the x/y/z profiles and their gaussian fits.""" figs = [] axes = [] # plot each axis: x, y, z for axis in (self.x_axis, self.y_axis, self.z_axis): fig, ax = axis.plot() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) return figs, axes
def fwhm_from_gaussian(std: float) -> float: """Return the FWHM of a gaussian given its standard deviation.""" return 2 * math.sqrt(2 * math.log(2)) * std def fwtm_from_gaussian(std: float) -> float: """Return the FWTM of a gaussian given its standard deviation.""" return 2 * math.sqrt(2 * math.log(10)) * std def gaussian_fit( x: np.ndarray, amplitude: float, mean: float, stddev: float ) -> np.ndarray: return amplitude * np.exp(-((x - mean) ** 2) / (2 * (stddev**2))) def two_peak_gaussian_fit( x: np.ndarray, amplitude1: float, mean1: float, stddev1: float, amplitude2: float, mean2: float, stddev2: float, ) -> np.ndarray: return amplitude1 * np.exp( -((x - mean1) ** 2) / (2 * (stddev1**2)) ) + amplitude2 * np.exp(-((x - mean2) ** 2) / (2 * (stddev2**2)))
[docs] class Nuclide: Tc99m = { "half_life_s": 6.0067 * 60 * 60 } # 6.0067 hours Y90 = {"half_life_s": 64.1 * 60 * 60} # 64.1 hours I131 = { "half_life_s": 8.019 * 24 * 60 * 60 } # 8.019 days Ga67 = { "half_life_s": 3.261 * 24 * 60 * 60 } # 3.261 days In111 = { "half_life_s": 2.804 * 24 * 60 * 60 } # 2.804 days Lu177 = { "half_life_s": 6.647 * 24 * 60 * 60 } # 6.647 days
[docs] class SimpleSensitivityResults(BaseModel): phantom_cps: float #: background_cps: float #: half_life_s: float #: duration_s: float #: decay_correction: float #: sensitivity_mbq: float #: sensitivity_uci: float #:
[docs] class SimpleSensitivity(ResultsDataMixin[SimpleSensitivityResults]): """The 'simple' sensitivity test as defined by IAEA 2.3.9. Equations come from the IAEA NMQC toolkit.""" half_life_s: float activity_mbq: float def __init__( self, phantom_path: str | Path, background_path: str | Path | None = None ): self.phantom_path = Path(phantom_path) self.background_path = ( Path(background_path) if background_path is not None else None ) @property def phantom_cps(self) -> float: """The counts per second of the phantom.""" phantom_img = DicomImage(self.phantom_path, raw_pixels=True) counts = phantom_img.array.sum() return counts / self.duration_s @property def duration_s(self) -> float: """The duration of the phantom image.""" phantom_img = DicomImage(self.phantom_path, raw_pixels=True) return phantom_img.metadata.ActualFrameDuration / 1000 @property def background_cps(self) -> float: """The counts per second of the background.""" if self.background_path is None: return 0 else: background_stack = NMImageStack(self.background_path) duration_s = background_stack.metadata.ActualFrameDuration / 1000 # mean background avg_count = background_stack.as_3d_array().mean(axis=0).sum() return avg_count / duration_s def analyze(self, activity_mbq: float, nuclide: type[Nuclide]): self.half_life_s = nuclide["half_life_s"] self.activity_mbq = activity_mbq
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Simple Sensitivity results for {}\n" f"Phantom c/s: {self.phantom_cps:.0f}\n" f"Background c/p: {self.background_cps:.0f}\n" f"Half-life: {self.half_life_s:.0f}\n" f"Duration: {self.duration_s:.0f}\n" f"Decay Correction: {self.decay_correction:.3f}\n" f"Sensitivity (MBq): {self.sensitivity_mbq:.3f}\n" f"Sensitivity (uCi): {self.sensitivity_uci:.3f}\n" )
def _generate_results_data( self, ) -> SimpleSensitivityResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return SimpleSensitivityResults( phantom_cps=self.phantom_cps, background_cps=self.background_cps, half_life_s=self.half_life_s, duration_s=self.duration_s, decay_correction=self.decay_correction, sensitivity_mbq=self.sensitivity_mbq, sensitivity_uci=self.sensitivity_uci, ) @property def decay_correction(self) -> float: """The decay correction factor.""" x = np.log(2) * self.duration_s / self.half_life_s return 1 / x * (1 - np.exp(-x)) @property def sensitivity_mbq(self) -> float: """The sensitivity in MBq.""" return ( self.phantom_cps / self.decay_correction - self.background_cps ) / self.activity_mbq @property def sensitivity_uci(self) -> float: """The sensitivity in uCi.""" mqb_to_uci = 27.02702702702703 # 1 MBq = 27.02702702702703 uCi cpm = 60 return self.sensitivity_mbq * cpm / mqb_to_uci
@dataclass class DoubleGaussianProfile: axis: str #: profile_array: np.ndarray #: pixel_size: float #: separation_mm: float #: def __post_init__(self): xs = np.arange(len(self.profile_array)) * self.pixel_size peak_idxs, other = find_peaks(self.profile_array, max_number=2, threshold=0.1) self.popt, _ = curve_fit( two_peak_gaussian_fit, xs, self.profile_array, p0=[ np.max(self.profile_array), peak_idxs[0], self.pixel_size, np.max(self.profile_array), peak_idxs[1], self.pixel_size, ], ) @property def fwhm(self) -> float: """The full width at half maximum of the x-profile.""" fwhm1 = fwhm_from_gaussian(self.popt[2]) fwhm2 = fwhm_from_gaussian(self.popt[5]) return (fwhm1 + fwhm2) / 2 @property def fwtm(self) -> float: """The full width at tenth maximum of the x-profile.""" fwtm1 = fwtm_from_gaussian(self.popt[2]) fwtm2 = fwtm_from_gaussian(self.popt[5]) return (fwtm1 + fwtm2) / 2 @property def measured_pixel_size(self) -> float: """The measured pixel size of the image.""" # the separation is already in physical units; we have to go back to pixels # to get the mm/px, which is what we're after separation_px = abs(self.popt[4] - self.popt[1]) / self.pixel_size return self.separation_mm / separation_px @property def pixel_size_difference(self) -> float: """The difference between the measured pixel size and the expected pixel size.""" return (self.measured_pixel_size - self.pixel_size) / self.pixel_size * 100 def plot(self) -> (Figure, Axes): fig, ax = plt.subplots() xs = np.arange(len(self.profile_array)) * self.pixel_size x_interpolated = ( np.linspace(0, len(self.profile_array), num=len(self.profile_array) * 20) * self.pixel_size ) fitted_y = two_peak_gaussian_fit(x_interpolated, *self.popt) # plot raw ax.plot(xs, self.profile_array, "bo", label="Raw Data") # plot fitted gaussian ax.plot(x_interpolated, fitted_y, "r-", label="Gaussian Fit") ax.grid(True) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Distance (mm)") ax.set_ylabel("Counts") fig.suptitle(f"{self.axis}-axis profile") return fig, ax
[docs] class FourBarResolutionResults(BaseModel): x_fwhm: float y_fwhm: float x_fwtm: float y_fwtm: float x_measured_pixel_size: float y_measured_pixel_size: float x_pixel_size_difference: float y_pixel_size_difference: float
[docs] class FourBarResolution(ResultsDataMixin[FourBarResolutionResults]): """Spatial resolution in the X and Y direction as measured by a 'four-bar' phantom. Parameters ---------- path : str | Path The path to the DICOM file. """ y_prof: RectangleROI x_prof: RectangleROI y_axis: DoubleGaussianProfile x_axis: DoubleGaussianProfile def __init__(self, path: str | Path): self.stack = NMImageStack(path) self.path = Path(path)
[docs] def analyze(self, separation_mm: float = 100, roi_width_mm: float = 10) -> None: """Take a vertical and horizontal profile about the center of the image. Fit two gaussians to find the two peaks in each direction. Parameters ---------- separation_mm : float The distance between the two peaks in mm. The length of the ROI to sample will be 2x the separation **perpendicular to the sample lines**. roi_width_mm : float The width of the ROI. This is the width **in the direction** of the sample lines. """ pixel_size = self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] width_px = roi_width_mm / self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] height_px = separation_mm * 2 / self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0] center = Point(self.stack.metadata.Rows / 2, self.stack.metadata.Columns / 2) self.y_prof = RectangleROI( self.stack.frames[0], width=width_px, height=height_px, angle=0, dist_from_center=0, phantom_center=center, ) v_array = self.y_prof.pixel_array.mean(axis=-1) self.y_axis = DoubleGaussianProfile( "Y/Vertical", v_array, pixel_size, separation_mm ) self.x_prof = RectangleROI( self.stack.frames[0], width=height_px, height=width_px, angle=0, dist_from_center=0, phantom_center=center, ) h_array = self.x_prof.pixel_array.mean(axis=0) self.x_axis = DoubleGaussianProfile( "X/Horizontal", h_array, pixel_size, separation_mm )
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Four Bar Resolution results for {}\n" f"X-axis FWHM (mm): {self.x_axis.fwhm:.3f}\n" f"X-axis FWTM (mm): {self.x_axis.fwtm:.3f}\n" f"X-axis Measured Pixel size (mm): {self.x_axis.measured_pixel_size:.3f}\n" f"X-axis Pixel size difference (%): {self.x_axis.pixel_size_difference:.2f}\n" f"Y-axis FWHM (mm): {self.y_axis.fwhm:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis FWTM (mm): {self.y_axis.fwtm:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis Measured Pixel size (mm): {self.y_axis.measured_pixel_size:.3f}\n" f"Y-axis Pixel size difference (%): {self.y_axis.pixel_size_difference:.2f}\n" )
def _generate_results_data(self) -> FourBarResolutionResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return FourBarResolutionResults( x_fwhm=self.x_axis.fwhm, y_fwhm=self.y_axis.fwhm, x_fwtm=self.x_axis.fwtm, y_fwtm=self.y_axis.fwtm, x_measured_pixel_size=self.x_axis.measured_pixel_size, y_measured_pixel_size=self.y_axis.measured_pixel_size, x_pixel_size_difference=self.x_axis.pixel_size_difference, y_pixel_size_difference=self.y_axis.pixel_size_difference, )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True) -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot the image with the sample ROIs and the x/y profiles with gaussian fits""" figs = [] axes = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) ax.imshow(self.stack.frames[0].array, cmap="gray") self.x_prof.plot2axes(ax, edgecolor="y") self.y_prof.plot2axes(ax, edgecolor="y") fig.suptitle(f"Four Bar Resolution for {}") fig, ax = self.x_axis.plot() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) fig, ax = self.y_axis.plot() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) if show: return figs, axes
[docs] class QuadrantResolutionResults(BaseModel): quadrants: dict[ str, dict[str, float] ] #: quadrant idx: {'mtf': mtf, 'fwhm': fwhm, 'lpmm': lpmm}
[docs] class QuadrantResolution(ResultsDataMixin[QuadrantResolutionResults]): """Analyze a 4-quadrant image of high-contrast line pairs to determine MTF and FWHM. Parameters ---------- path : str | Path The path to the DICOM file. """ rois: dict[str, HighContrastDiskROI] mtf: MomentMTF def __init__(self, path: str | Path) -> None: self.stack = NMImageStack(path) self.path = Path(path)
[docs] def analyze( self, bar_widths: Sequence[float], roi_diameter_mm: float = 70, distance_from_center_mm: float = 130, ) -> None: """Analyze the image to determine the MTF resolution and FWHMs. Parameters ---------- bar_widths : list The bar widths in mm. A line pair will be 2x this value. roi_diameter_mm : float The diameter of the ROI in mm. distance_from_center_mm : float The distance from the center of the image to the center of the ROI in mm. """ if len(bar_widths) != 4: raise ValueError("Must have 4 bar widths") lpmm = 1 / (2 * np.asarray(bar_widths)) self.rois = {} img_center = Point( self.stack.metadata.Rows / 2, self.stack.metadata.Columns / 2 ) angles = (45, -45, -135, 135) for angle, spacing in zip(angles, bar_widths): roi = HighContrastDiskROI( self.stack.frames[0], angle=angle, roi_radius=roi_diameter_mm, dist_from_center=distance_from_center_mm, phantom_center=img_center, contrast_threshold=0, ) self.rois[spacing] = roi self.mtf = MomentMTF.from_high_contrast_diskset(lpmm, list(self.rois.values()))
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" s = f"Quadrant Resolution results for {}\n" for quadrant, ((lpmm, mtf), fwhm) in enumerate( zip(self.mtf.mtfs.items(), self.mtf.fwhms.values()) ): spacing = 1 / (lpmm * 2) s += f"Quadrant {quadrant+1}; Bar width: {spacing:.2f}mm; FWHM: {fwhm:.3f}mm; MTF: {mtf:.3f}\n" return s
def _generate_results_data(self) -> QuadrantResolutionResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return QuadrantResolutionResults( quadrants={ f"{idx+1}": { "mtf": mtf, "fwhm": fwhm, "lpmm": lpmm, "spacing": 1 / (lpmm * 2), } for idx, ((lpmm, mtf), fwhm) in enumerate( zip(self.mtf.mtfs.items(), self.mtf.fwhms.values()) ) } )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True) -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot the image, the MTF, and the FWHMs.""" figs = [] axes = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) ax.imshow(self.stack.frames[0].array, cmap="gray") for idx, (spacing, roi) in enumerate(self.rois.items()): roi.plot2axes(ax, edgecolor="y", text=f"{idx+1}: {spacing:.2f}mm") fig.suptitle(f"Quadrant Resolution for {}") # plot MTFs fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) self.mtf.plot(ax) # plot FWHMs fig, ax = plt.subplots() figs.append(fig) axes.append(ax) self.mtf.plot_fwhms(ax) if show: return figs, axes
[docs] class TomographicUniformityResults(BaseModel): cfov_integral_uniformity: float cfov_differential_uniformity: float ufov_integral_uniformity: float ufov_differential_uniformity: float center_border_ratio: float first_frame: int last_frame: int
[docs] class TomographicUniformity( ResultsDataMixin[TomographicUniformityResults], PlanarUniformity ): """Evaluation of the tomographic uniformity of a SPECT image. Typically, a Jaszczak phantom or similar. This is similar to the Planar Uniformity test.""" center_ratio: float first_frame: int last_frame: int threshold: float @property def frame_result(self) -> dict: """We always have a single result""" return self.frame_results[self.frame_key] @property def frame_key(self) -> str: """The key for the single frame result""" return f"{self.first_frame}:{self.last_frame}"
[docs] def center_border_ratio(self, center_ratio: float, window_size: int) -> float: """The center-to-border ratio as defined by the NMQC toolkit. The center ROI is a 6cm diameter circle in the center of the phantom. The border ROI is the subtraction of the CFOV from the UFOV. """ cleaned_frame, _ = self.preprocess(self.stack.frames[0], self.threshold) center_array, center_x, center_y = get_fov(cleaned_frame, size=center_ratio) center_fov = FOV( name="Center", fov=center_array, boundary_x=center_x, boundary_y=center_y, window_size=window_size, ) self.frame_result["center_fov"] = center_fov # now get the UFOV - CFOV array mask = self.frame_result["cfov"].fov != 0 ring = np.copy(self.frame_result["ufov"].fov) ring[mask] = np.nan ring[ring == 0] = np.nan center_array[center_array == 0] = np.nan return np.nanmean(center_array) / np.nanmean(ring)
[docs] def analyze( self, first_frame: int = 0, last_frame: int = -1, ufov_ratio: float = 0.8, cfov_ratio: float = 0.75, center_ratio: float = 0.4, threshold: float = 0.75, window_size: int = 5, ) -> None: """Analyze the image to determine the uniformity. This will take a mean of pixel values for frames between the first and last stated frame. Parameters ---------- first_frame : int The index of the first frame to analyze. last_frame : int The index of the last frame to analyze. ufov_ratio : float The ratio of the UFOV to the phantom. cfov_ratio : float The ratio of the central FOV to the UFOV. center_ratio : float The ratio of the center ROI to the phantom. threshold : float The threshold to use for the image. """ # create a new single composite frame self.threshold = threshold array = self.stack.as_3d_array() if first_frame < 0: raise ValueError( "The first frame index is outside the array bounds. Increase the first frame index." ) if last_frame < 0: last_frame += array.shape[0] if last_frame >= array.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The last frame index is outside the array bounds. Decrease the last frame index." ) if 0 < last_frame <= first_frame: raise ValueError( "The first frame index must be less than the last frame index." ) # create the frankenstein frame new_array = array[first_frame:last_frame, :, :].mean(axis=0) new_frame = self.stack.frames[0] new_frame.array = new_array self.stack.frames = [ new_frame, ] # we offset the indices by 1 since the first frame is 1, not 0 self.first_frame = first_frame + 1 self.last_frame = last_frame + 1 super().analyze( ufov_ratio=ufov_ratio, threshold=threshold, cfov_ratio=cfov_ratio, window_size=window_size, ) # rename from frame 1 to a dynamic name self.frame_results[self.frame_key] = self.frame_results.pop("1") self.center_ratio = self.center_border_ratio( center_ratio=center_ratio * ufov_ratio, window_size=window_size )
def _generate_results_data(self) -> TomographicUniformityResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return TomographicUniformityResults( cfov_integral_uniformity=self.frame_result["cfov"].integral_uniformity, cfov_differential_uniformity=self.frame_result[ "cfov" ].differential_uniformity, ufov_integral_uniformity=self.frame_result["ufov"].integral_uniformity, ufov_differential_uniformity=self.frame_result[ "ufov" ].differential_uniformity, center_border_ratio=self.center_ratio, first_frame=self.first_frame, last_frame=self.last_frame, )
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" return ( f"Tomographic Uniformity results for {}\n" f"Frames: {self.first_frame}:{self.last_frame}\n" f"CFOV Integral Uniformity: {self.frame_result['cfov'].integral_uniformity:.3f}%\n" f"CFOV Differential Uniformity: {self.frame_result['cfov'].differential_uniformity:.3f}%\n" f"UFOV Integral Uniformity: {self.frame_result['ufov'].integral_uniformity:.3f}%\n" f"UFOV Differential Uniformity: {self.frame_result['ufov'].differential_uniformity:.3f}%\n" f"Center-to-Border ratio: {self.center_ratio:.3f}\n" )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True, cmap: str = "gray") -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot the image with the sample ROIs""" figs, axes = super().plot(show=False, cmap=cmap) axis = axes[0] # plot the center ROI self.frame_result["center_fov"].plot_to(axis, color="b") if show:
@dataclass class TomographicROI: array3d: np.ndarray uniformity_baseline: float x: float y: float z: float radius: float number: str | int def __post_init__(self): self.sphere_array = ( sample_sphere( self.array3d, col=self.x, row=self.y, zed=self.z, radius=self.radius ), ) @property def mean_value(self) -> float: return float(np.nanmean(self.sphere_array)) @property def min_value(self) -> float: return float(np.nanmin(self.sphere_array)) @property def mean_contrast(self) -> float: return michelson(np.asarray([self.mean_value, self.uniformity_baseline])) * 100 @property def max_contrast(self) -> float: return michelson(np.asarray([self.min_value, self.uniformity_baseline])) * 100 def plot_to(self, axis: Axes): """Plot the ROI to the axis.""" d = DiskROI( array=self.sphere_array, angle=0, roi_radius=self.radius, dist_from_center=0, phantom_center=Point(self.x, self.y), ) d.plot2axes(axes=axis, edgecolor="r", text=str(self.number)) class TomgraphicSphere(TypedDict): x: float y: float z: float radius: float mean: float mean_contrast: float max_contrast: float
[docs] class TomographicContrastResults(BaseModel): uniformity_baseline: float spheres: dict[str, TomgraphicSphere]
[docs] class TomographicContrast(ResultsDataMixin[TomographicContrastResults]): rois: dict[str, TomographicROI] def __init__(self, path: str | Path): self.stack = NMImageStack(path) self.path = Path(path) @cached_property def slice_data(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, float | Point]]: uniformities = {} array3d = self.stack.as_3d_array() global_max = array3d.max() for idx, frame in enumerate(self.stack.frames): # remove pixels that are <75% of mean of "meaningful" pixels # meaningful pixels are those > 10% of max # this helps remove the background arr = np.copy(frame.array) threshold = global_max * 0.10 arr[arr < threshold] = 0 binary_frame = arr > 0 labeled_frame, num_labels = label( binary_frame, connectivity=1, return_num=True ) if num_labels < 1: continue rois = regionprops(labeled_frame, intensity_image=arr) largest_roi = max(rois, key=lambda x: x.area) longest_dim = max(largest_roi.image.shape) erosion = int(round((1 - self.ufov_ratio) * longest_dim)) eroded_binary = isotropic_erosion(binary_frame, radius=erosion / 2) fov_array = np.where(eroded_binary, arr, np.nan) u = michelson(fov_array) uniformities[str(idx + 1)] = { "fov diameter": longest_dim - erosion, "center": Point(x=largest_roi.centroid[1], y=largest_roi.centroid[0]), "area": np.count_nonzero(eroded_binary), "uniformity": u, "value": np.nanmean(fov_array), } # drop any frames where the area was significantly smaller than the median area # this mostly leads to dropping the edge frames, for good reason. median_area = np.median([v["area"] for v in uniformities.values()]) std_area = np.std([v["area"] for v in uniformities.values()]) return { k: v for k, v in uniformities.items() if v["area"] > median_area - std_area } @property def uniformity_frame(self) -> str: """The frame with the most uniformity.""" return min(self.slice_data, key=lambda x: self.slice_data.get(x)["uniformity"]) @property def uniformity_value(self) -> float: return self.slice_data[self.uniformity_frame]["value"]
[docs] def analyze( self, sphere_diameters_mm: Sequence[float] = (38, 31.8, 25.4, 19.1, 15.9, 12.7), sphere_angles: Sequence[float] = (-10, -70, -130, -190, 110, 50), ufov_ratio: float = 0.8, search_window_px: int = 5, search_slices: int = 3, ) -> None: """Analyze the image to determine the contrast. Parameters ---------- sphere_diameters_mm : list The diameters of the spheres in mm. sphere_angles : list The angles of the spheres in degrees. """ self.ufov_ratio = ufov_ratio uniformities = self.slice_data if len(sphere_diameters_mm) != len(sphere_angles): raise ValueError( "The number of sphere diameters and angles must be the same." ) # find the most non-uniform slice # this will usually be near the sphere slice # from this starting point, sample the spheres # optimize the location based on best contrast value max_uniformity_frame = max( uniformities, key=lambda x: uniformities[x]["uniformity"] ) unif = uniformities[max_uniformity_frame] unif_z = int(max_uniformity_frame) - 1 array3d = self.stack.as_3d_array() rois = {} for idx, (angle, diameter) in enumerate( zip(sphere_angles, sphere_diameters_mm) ): distance = math.sqrt(unif["area"] / math.pi) * 0.65 radius = diameter / (2 * self.stack.metadata.PixelSpacing[0]) col_x, row_y = direction_to_coords( unif["center"].x, unif["center"].y, distance, angle ) # quicker but less accurate at the smallest ROIs res = minimize( contrast_f, x0=(col_x, row_y, unif_z), args=(array3d, radius, self.uniformity_value), method="Nelder-Mead", bounds=[ (col_x - search_window_px, col_x + search_window_px), (row_y - search_window_px, row_y + search_window_px), (unif_z - search_slices, unif_z + search_slices), ], ) # alternatives left for future potential work # res = brute(contrast_f, ranges=[(col_x - search_window_px, col_x + search_window_px), (row_y - search_window_px, row_y + search_window_px), (unif_z - search_slices, unif_z + search_slices)], args=(array3d, radius, self.uniformity_value), Ns=search_window_px*2, full_output=False, finish=None) # res = differential_evolution(contrast_f, bounds=[(col_x - search_window_px, col_x + search_window_px), (row_y - search_window_px, row_y + search_window_px), (unif_z - search_slices, unif_z + search_slices)], args=(array3d, radius, self.uniformity_value), polish=False, x0=(col_x, row_y, unif_z), seed=1234) col, row, zed = res.x roi = TomographicROI( array3d=array3d, x=col, y=row, z=zed, radius=radius, uniformity_baseline=self.uniformity_value, number=idx + 1, ) rois[str(idx + 1)] = roi self.rois = rois
[docs] def results(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the results.""" s = f"Tomographic Contrast results for {}\n" s += f"Uniformity baseline: {self.uniformity_value:.1f}\n" for idx, roi in self.rois.items(): s += f"Sphere {idx}: X={roi.x:.2f},Y={roi.y:.2f},Z={roi.z:.2f} Mean: {roi.mean_value:.2f}; Mean Contrast: {roi.mean_contrast:.2f}; Max Contrast: {roi.max_contrast:.2f}\n" return s
def _generate_results_data(self) -> TomographicContrastResults: """Return the results as a structure.""" return TomographicContrastResults( uniformity_baseline=self.uniformity_value, spheres={ idx: TomgraphicSphere( x=roi.x, y=roi.y, z=roi.z, radius=roi.radius, mean=roi.mean_value, mean_contrast=roi.mean_contrast, max_contrast=roi.max_contrast, ) for idx, roi in self.rois.items() }, )
[docs] def plot(self, show: bool = True) -> (list[Figure], list[Axes]): """Plot the uniformity frame, sphere ROI frame, and contrast vs sphere number.""" # plot the ROIs roi_fig, roi_ax = plt.subplots() # show all ROIs on the most common sphere slice for simplicity median_slice = int(round(np.median([roi.z for roi in self.rois.values()]))) roi_ax.imshow(self.stack.frames[median_slice].array, cmap="gray") for roi in self.rois.values(): roi.plot_to(roi_ax) roi_ax.set_title(f"Sphere frame ({median_slice+1})") # plot the uniformity slice unif_fig, unif_ax = plt.subplots() unif_ax.imshow( self.stack.frames[int(self.uniformity_frame) - 1].array, cmap="gray" ) un_data = self.slice_data[self.uniformity_frame] Circle( (un_data["center"].x, un_data["center"].y), radius=un_data["fov diameter"] / 2, ).plot2axes(unif_ax, edgecolor="b") unif_ax.set_title(f"Uniformity frame ({self.uniformity_frame})") # plot the contrast vs sphere number cont_fig, cont_ax = plt.subplots() cont_ax.plot( [int(idx) for idx in self.rois.keys()], [roi.mean_contrast for roi in self.rois.values()], color="b", marker="o", label="Mean Contrast", ) cont_ax.plot( [int(idx) for idx in self.rois.keys()], [roi.max_contrast for roi in self.rois.values()], color="r", marker="o", label="Max Contrast", ) cont_ax.set_xlabel("Sphere Number") cont_ax.set_ylabel("Contrast (Michelson * 100)") cont_ax.legend() cont_ax.grid(True) cont_ax.set_title("Contrast vs Sphere Number") if show: return (roi_fig, unif_fig, cont_fig), (roi_ax, unif_ax, cont_ax)
def create_sphere_mask( array_shape: tuple[float, float, float], row: float, col: float, zed: float, radius: float, ) -> np.ndarray: """Create a mask of a sphere in an array.""" z, y, x = np.ogrid[: array_shape[0], : array_shape[1], : array_shape[2]] mask = (x - col) ** 2 + (y - row) ** 2 + (z - zed) ** 2 <= radius**2 return mask def sample_sphere( array: np.ndarray, row: float, col: float, zed: float, radius: float ) -> np.ndarray: """Sample out a sphere from an array. Uses a mask.""" sphere_mask = create_sphere_mask( array.shape, row=row, col=col, zed=zed, radius=radius ) sphere_sample = np.full(array.shape, np.nan) sphere_sample[sphere_mask] = array[sphere_mask] return sphere_sample def contrast_f( coords: np.ndarray, array: np.ndarray, radius: float, uniformity_baseline: float ) -> float: """The function to minimize for the sphere sampling.""" col, row, zed = coords sample = sample_sphere(array, col=col, row=row, zed=zed, radius=radius) return -michelson(np.asarray([np.nanmean(sample), uniformity_baseline])) * 100